
Monday, September 14, 2009

Spolitght on My Favorite Bloggers for BBAW

This is the first day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week and I'm so excited that I can barely sit still long enough to finish this post.

For the first day we were asked to shine a spotlight on our favorite blogs that did not make the short list. This on the surface sounds like an easy thing to do. Pick out our favorite blogs, type up a few kind words on the keyboard, and you have a post all tied up with a nice red bow.

When I sat down to do this, reality set in. In the short time I had been blogging quite a few blogs and bloggers have made an impression with me to the point that I want to highlight them all. Now if I did that I would have to sit at the computer for 3 days and the post would be the longest in history. So I narrowed the kind words to 4 bloggers that I have grown close to as friends.

The first one is Deb at Bookmagic. Princess Deb of the Kingdom of Wordsmtihonia, Duchess of Wordsville, Marquess of Gotham was one of the first people I really enjoyed talking to over at Barnes & Noble's Book Clubs. She is opinionated, feisty and a lot of fun to talk to. So when she started her won blog I had to be one of her first followers and read every interesting post she ever put down on keyboard. She is a brilliant blogger who always has an interesting take on a book that I have grown to trust. After hearing her have so much fun I had to jump on into the pool and start my own blog. So in a way you can say she was my muse and inspiration and I owe her more than I can ever properly say. She has been a great friend and I know I can always count on her for advice and help. Please, please visit her blog and say hi if you haven't before.

The second one is Melissa at My World. Lady Melissa, Marquess of Tar Valon is another one of my Barnes & Noble friends that I have had the privilege to know over what is almost a year now. She is a lot of fun to talk to and always has a kind word to say. She always cheers me up when I'm feeling a little stressed or tired and started her own blog within the last two months. Her blog is now on my must visit everyday list and if a day goes by that I don't get to chat with her on Twitter or B&N I feel that the day is just not complete. I wish her all the success with her blog (which is fantastic by the way) and I hope she will always be there to talk to and enjoy a conversation with. Her blog is a lot of fun and I encourage everyone to visit.

The third blog I want to highlight is Krista at Life or Something Like It. Lady Carmen (Krista), the Baroness of Dinotopia is the third and final noble of Wordsmithonia from Barnes & Noble's Book Clubs to enter bloggerville and start her own blog. She is probably the most upbeat and giddiest (if that is a word) person I have known in a very long time. She always has a kind thing to say to everyone and seems to really appreciate life and all that comes with it. Her blog is one of the funnest around and I always find myself smiling every time I visit, which is daily now. How can you not smile when the background is so bright and cheery, she posts great reviews that makes you want to go buy the book that day, and shares her wonderful artwork on a regular basis. For those of you who have not visited before, please do so. It is well worth the time.

The last blog I want to highlight is Michelle at The Book Addict. I haven't know her for as long as I have the other three I highlighted but it seems that I have. She is a great friend I first met on Twitter and the day does not seem complete without talking to her. She is a fantastic person who always has a way of putting me in a good mood and making my day seem that much better. She recently started her own blog and it is on my daily to do list. She has a fabulous layout and even better content. Her reviews are always dead on and I know I can always trust them. I hope everyone goes and visits her blog and says hi.

If you want to know the other blogs I enjoy and visit on a regular basis all you have to do is look at my blog roll on the left hand side of the blog. Every single one of those blogs deserves a spotlight on them and I hope you take the time to visit them as well.

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