
Monday, October 31, 2011

Practical Jean by Trevor Cole

Synopsis From Back Cover:

Jean Vale Horemarsh is an ordinary small-town woman with the usual challenges of middle age.  She's content, mostly, with the life she's built: a semi successful career as a ceramics artist, a close collection of women friends (if you ignore the terrible falling-out she had with Cheryl all those years ago), and a comfortable marriage with a kind if extraordinary man.  And then Jean see her mother go through the final devastating months of cancer, and realizes that her fondest wish is to protect her dearest friends from the indignities of again and illness.  That's when she decides to kill them all....

Have I ever told you guys how much I love my sense of humor.  It tends to lean towards the darker side of things, which is why I find some circumstances funnier than most will.  I guess a perfect example, a short one anyway, is from the movie Titanic.  I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about, though I didn't really enjoy it that much.  There is one moment that cracks me up every time I see it though.  When the boat is sinking, tail end up in the air, passengers start to fall like confetti.  There is one in particular that makes me laugh out loud, I know it's callous but sorry.  It's the guy who falls and hits the propeller blade, the thunking sounds he makes sends me into stitches.  Now you might say I'm morbid, but it will give you an insight into why I loved this book so much.

I'm not saying that I laughed out loud the entire time I was reading it, because I didn't.  But I did find a lot of it humorous enough to say this was one of the most entertaining books I've read in a long time.  Jean is one of those rare characters that I love despite everything that she does.  She is a woman lost in pain who decides on being practical for the first time in her life.  Unfortunately for her friends, that means killing them off before they grow old and suffer in the way her mother did.

It was a joy and a thrill to to watch the internal conflict as she meandered her way and started knocking of those closest to her.  The only stipulation is that she has to make them as happy as she can before she does it.  In once case that involves sleeping with the one that has had a thing for her since college.  I love the way Jean is able to twist herself in an elaborate pretzel in order to justify what she is doing.  Much like Serial Mom and those college kids from The Last Supper, Jean starts off doing what she thinks is right and just.  For the most part, she is firm in that thinking by the end as well.  She has her moments of doubt, but all it takes is remembering the pain and suffering her mother went through for Jean to realize she is on the right path no matter the consequences to herself.

This was a wonderfully complex and inspired look at friendship and morality in an age where both things seem to be expendable.   The author, through dark humor and brilliant writing, was able to bring Jean and her friends to life in such a way that made me want to be Jean's friend, despite the risk.

I would like to thank Trish of TLC Book Tours for the opportunity to read/review this books.  Please visit the tour page to read other reviews.

Happy Halloween

I Hope Everyone Has A Safe And Fun Halloween Night!

Trivium - Built To Fall

Ha salido el segundo vídeo correspondiente al nuevo disco de Trivium. La canción escogida fue "Built To Fall".
A diferencia del primer vídeo, "In Waves", en este al menos se ve algo de historia y algo interesante a parte de ellos ahogándose en un mar/lago...
La canción es una de las mejores de su último trabajo y por el final, nos dejan entrever de que van a publicar algún vídeo más.
Os dejo con "Built To Fall":

Winner Of Little Goblins Ten

The winner of Little Goblins Ten by Pamela Jane is.......


Because the first winner had already won one, the new winner is.....


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mailbox Monday for 10/31/11

Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme created by Marcia at A Girl and Her Books and is being hosted all this month by Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit.

I received hardcovers of The Heights: Anatomy of a Skyscraper by Kate Ascher and Camp Nine by Vivienne Schiffer for upcoming TLC Book Tours.

The very lovely Staci of Life in the Thumb sent me her ARC of Never Knowing by Chevy Stevens.

I picked up paperbacks of  Miss Pinkerton and The Frightened Wife by Mary Roberts Rinehart from a used bookstore today.

Through the Disney Movie Rewards program I got The Reluctant Dragon on DVD.

My roommate gave me Michael Buble's new CD, Christmas.

Snow before Halloween? TRICK!

Gretchen, LT, and I attempted to go birding yesterday. Here's what it looked like on the roads:We'd seen text alerts about scoters, mergansers, and terns up at Bald Eagle State Park but, by the time we got out there in the heavy snow, visibility was terrible. The fog rolled in and we only saw one little Ruddy Duck, a bunch of European Starlings, and a sparrow of some sort.

I can't remember the last time it snowed before Halloween; we got about 3 inches of very wet and very heavy snow. We went out again today, a bright and sunny beautiful day, but again we were thwarted; the PSU rowing teams were out on the lake and there wasn't a duck to be seen. We'd heard there was a Red-necked Grebe out there, but it must've flown when the rowers started out.

I'll leave you with these photos of my babies:Cornelius is growing like a weed! He sure loves his mommy.

He also loves hanging out in Niblet's room:

Sunday Funnies

Saturday, October 29, 2011

300 and counting: "Crónicas Obscuras - O Farol"

  Enquanto não chegamos aos 500 seguidores na página do Facebook, comemoremos a cifra dos 300 com o pequeno conto "Crónicas Obscuras - O Farol".

  Esta história foi feita para um desafio, cujos requisitos exigiam, entre outras coisas, que o texto não ultrapassasse as 1000 palavras. Até hoje, é o mais pequeno dos contos de Crónicas Obscuras. Sem mais delongas aqui fica o texto. Leiam, comentem e no final digam se gostavam de "ver" mais destas personagens.

“Crónicas Obscuras – O Farol” por Vitor Frazão

Não havia luar ou estrelas, apenas nuvens negras que lançavam um manto de treva sobre o oceano. Não fosse pela luz do farol, Alan não teria qualquer meio de se orientar, além do som das vagas a esmagarem-se contra as rochas ou o assobio furioso do vento, enquanto o seu corpo encharcado era arremessado de um lado para o outro e o peito espremido pelas garras da água gelada. Do barco nem sinal. Tanto quanto o infeliz náufrago sabia, a mesma onda que o arrebatara para o mar podia ter colocado a embarcação a pique e com ela todos os seus companheiros, deixando-o sozinho na imensidão indomável do Atlântico Norte. Verdade fosse dita, na escuridão, com o barulho do vento e das ondas, os seus amigos poderiam estar a menos de dois ou três metros, a bradar a plenos pulmões por ajuda, que ele não saberia.
Apenas a luz do farol o guiava e foi graças a ela que Alan viu o rochedo antes da vaga o atirar de encontro a ele. Avisado do perigo, virou-se para receber o impacto com as solas, diminuindo os danos, mas não a dor. Quando a onda passou, o náufrago estava abraçado ao penedo com todas as suas forças e, apesar do mar o fustigar, ao ponto dos seus dedos e palmas ficarem em carne viva, sangrando de vários cortes provocados pelas saliências da rocha, recusava-se a largar a minúscula ilha, abandonando aquela segurança relativa em detrimento da aterradora vastidão do oceano.
Encharcado até aos ossos e com as roupas a pesarem-lhe uma tonelada, Alan ergueu o olhar para a ilha onde se localizava o farol, uma imensa massa negra que estaria a menos de uma centena de metros. Uma parte dele ponderou arriscar-se a fazer uso das capacidades de nadador e lançar-se no mar aberto, num último esforço desesperado para procurar refúgio no ventre daquele sólido porto de abrigo. Todavia, sentia-se intimidado pelo vulto intermitentemente iluminado, que se elevava acima do nível do mar como a bossa de um gigantesco monstro marinho, pois receava ser esmagado de encontro à mesma solidez que o poderia proteger da fúria do mar, morrendo numa explosão salgada de espuma e sangue, ou perder as forças antes de a alcançar. No seu medo e insegurança, foi incapaz de abandonar o penedo, acto que racionalizava, considerando que era demasiado perigoso fazê-lo durante a noite, sendo preferível esperar pelo amanhecer.
Entretanto, numa das encostas da ilhota surrada pelos ventos, onde só os arbustos e ervas mais resistentes conseguiam crescer, um homem de cabelos grisalhos, casaco azul-escuro de fazenda e calças castanhas de bombazina estava sentado numa rocha, a comer uma maçã cujos pedaços cortava com uma pequena faca, provida de um tosco e irregular cabo de madeira. Teria cerca de sessenta anos, mãos áspera e um rosto severo, adornado por um nariz aduncado e lábios secos, em suma, uma figura que passaria despercebida, não fosse pelo facto de nada nele reagir aos inclementes ventos que castigavam a encosta, permanecendo as suas roupas e cabelos tão imóveis como se estivesse fechado dentro de casa.
Dir-se-ia que o mundo exterior não o afectava, porém, o ancião mantinha um olhar vigilante nele, especialmente naquele miserável náufrago, vendo para além da escuridão, da distância, da ondulação e do mau tempo. Aparentemente indiferente ao sofrimento do humano, Cathasach afastou o braço para o lado, de modo a retirar a manga de cima do relógio, revelando-se aborrecido com a demora.
 Aos pés do ancião uma criatura de pelagem negra, com colmilhos afiados a ornar a larga boca vermelha, emitiu um pequeno queixume, como se pedinchasse algo.
- Não, rapazola – respondeu o ancião, ainda a mastigar o último pedaço de maçã, que se apressou a engolir. – Ele tem de se safar sozinho ou não servirá para nada. Estas ilhas não são para fracos.
Embora soubesse falar, o buggane juvenil limitou-se a emitir novo grunhido, desta feita de desilusão e mágoa, por o mestre não o deixar salvar aquele infeliz humano. Ao contrário dos seus parente maiores da Ilha de Man, aquele pequeno humanóide peludo, com garras robustas feitas para escavar, olhos minúsculos, um sentido de olfacto muito apurado e aproximadamente a altura de um criança de cinco anos, era um excelente nadador, produto da vida naquela ilhota perdida no topo do mundo.
Cathasach não partilhava da generosidade do “rapazola”, nem da sua inexplicável compaixão para com os humanos, seres com os quais o pequeno buggane pouco convivera. As responsabilidades do ancião não lhe permitiam ao luxo de tais sentimentalismos.
Havia quarenta anos que aquelas ilhas não tinham um residente humano, apenas visitas esporádicas, a maioria das quais feitas para garantir que o farol automático permanecia operacional, e Cathasach não podia permitir que o seu primeiro inquilino mortal em quatro décadas fosse débil. Precisava de um indivíduo forte ou aquelas ilhas devorá-lo-iam, cuspindo de volta para o oceano um corpo ensanguentado e uma mente mutilada. Na verdade, se aquele tipo não tivesse a força de vontade necessária para confiar nas suas capacidades e nadar até à ilha, deixá-lo ser engolido pelo oceano era a opção mais misericordiosa, pois ele não seria capaz de suportar as provações e os espíritos atormentados que assombravam aquele calhau perdido nos confins do mundo, na zona mais inclemente dos oceanos, dilacerar-lhe-iam a sanidade. Cathasach acreditava no rapaz ou não teria comprado o bilhete dele com as vidas dos seus companheiros de viagem, que naquele momento eram arrastados para o Abismo, porém, recusava-se a fornecer mais refeições fáceis às ilhas e às suas cavernas empestadas com o cheiro a carne putrefacta.
“Tem que ser ele” pensou o ancião, acariciando o cabo da faca com uma mão e passando a outra pelos cabelos, enquanto desejava que aquela nova “aposta” não falhasse como tantas outras antes… Os Pais o ajudassem… Após todos aqueles séculos precisava tanto daquela vitória, quanto as ilhas careciam de um novo Zelador…

Friday, October 28, 2011

Passatempo "Crónicas Obscuras - A Vingança do Lobo" de Vitor Frazão

Mais uma oportunidade de ganharem um exemplar de "Crónicas Obscuras - A Vingança do Lobo", desta vez em colaboração com o blogue Viajar Pela Leitura:

Bless The Child by Cathy Cash Spellman

Part Of The Synopsis From Dust Jacket:

What if your drug-addicted daughter left a newborn baby on your doorstep and disappeared?  What if she came back three years later and took the child you love into a satanic cult?  And, what if that child turned out to be mankind's last hope in the war between good and evil? 
Would you risk your soul to save her?

Maggie O'Connor is about to answer these questions...maybe with her life.  A vibrant, attractive, recently widowed partner in a Manhattan antiquities shop, she is too young to be a grandmother.  Yet the love and the bond between her and her little granddaughter Cody is deep and rare enough to make her fight - not just for custody, but for the child's life itself.

The law won't back her up.  But the exorcist priest believes.  And the rabbi who practices Kabbalah knows too much not to believe.  And ancient, raging memories of an Egyptian prophecy are rising within her own terrifying dreams.

When I saw this book at the Friends of the Library Bookstore, sometime last year, I knew the title was familiar but couldn't remember why.  I went ahead and bought the hardcover, for $1, and took it home.  It's been sitting on my shelves ever since, but since this was Halloween month, I wanted to get it read.  Once I started reading it, I realized why it was so familiar.  This was the book the Kim Basinger movies, of the same name, was based off of.  Luckily for me, the book was way better than the movie, which was mediocre at best.

I'm going to be honest with you right up front, this won't be a very detailed review, I have been trying to figure out what I can say about the book without spoiling the surprises, and I've decided that's not very much.  If you have seen the movie, which for your sake I hope you haven't, you'll know the basic plot points already.  If not, I apologize now for what will probably being a boring review.

What drove this book for me were the characters.  Lead by the strong willed, Maggie, the entire cast seems to be ready made for the big screen.  There is the fiercely loyal cop who not only falls for Maggie, but is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her and Cody.  There is the priest who was sent into exile for his views, he too falls for Maggie, but it's the memories of the past and a crisis of faith that help him put that into context.  The white witch, bookstore owner, proves to not only be a powerful ally for Maggie, but a good friend as well.  Maggie also has a martial arts master, her friend and business partner, and her housekeeper that will do what needs to be done to rescue Cody.  I'm not even getting to the FBI agent, the rabbi, or the various international agents that all, in some way, help Maggie along the way.  It's a large cast of characters, not one of them was weakly drawn.

What I was really impressed with is that Cathy Cash Spellman manages to mix in Christianity, Satanism, Egyptian Mythology, Kabbalah, and a few other disciplines and make it work.  Nothing feels forced or out of place.  She was able to create a seamless narrative that allowed me to believe in the Isis Messenger and the amulets.  I actually was hoping they were true, but alas they weren't.

I'm not sure what else she has written but I'm curious enough about her writing style to do a little more digging into her other books.

Crítica Fear And The Nervous System

El pasado 25 de octubre, la banda debutante liderada por el guitarrista de KoRn, James "Munky" Shaffer publicaba su primer disco en formato digital por iTunes. Hasta ayer no he podido encontrarlo por la red para una libre descarga pero por fin lo he encontrado. Tras escucharlo me dispongo a presentaros mi opinión sobre él.
En mi opinión, han sido 3 años de larga espera, pero tras escuchar el disco homónimo de Fear And The Nervous System puedo decir que ha valido la pena. Se trata de un maravilloso trabajo en el que cada uno ha hecho una excelente labor. Los riffs de guitarra nos hacen recordar a la mejor época de KoRn mezclando a veces algunos riffs más propios del metal industrial. Billy Gould ha impartido una buena clase de bajo con este álbum aportando su estilo. Los miembros de apoyo de KoRn Zac Baird (teclado) y Brooks Wackerman (batería) tambiéns e han hecho notar. El productor, programador y guitarrista Leopold Ross se ha encargado de la 2º guitarra, pero el que más me ha sorprendido ha sido el vocalista Steve Krolikowski. Cuando me enteré de que iba a ser él el encargado de poner la voz a este proyecto estuve viendo bastantes vídeos suyos con su banda y me parecía un cantante que no pegaba con Munky por su estilo "suave". En este CD me ha dejado boquiabierto con esa voz a lo Jonathan Davis utilizando incluso los carácterísticos gritos que a veces utiliza JD en sus canciones. Gracias a esa voz por momentos parece que estamos escuchando una canción de KoRn de hace 10 años con la diferencia del bajo.
Siendo sincero, no me esperaba que este disco pudiera ser tan asombroso pero me alegro de haberme equivocado. Aunque cuando saliera el primer single, "Choking Victim" ya preveía que realmente podía ser un gran éxito.
Muchos criticarán el hecho de que esta banda nos recuerde a KoRn hasta en las voces, pero yo agradezco poder disfrutar de canciones como éstas y más cuando KoRn lleva años vagando en busca del estilo perdido, mientras experimentan cosas. Tras ver el trabajo de Munky con FATNS no entiendo que no se haga lo mismo en KoRn desde que se fueran Head y David.
Volviendo al disco, nos encontraremos con canciones soberbias como "Choking Victim", "Chosen Ones", "No Secrets", "Slow Motion", "Chinatown", "Last Dive" o "Beautiful Side" que nos muestran el estilo carácterístico de Munky. También encontramos otras más tranquilas como "Dissolve" o "Jaguar". Una en la que las guitarras, bajo y la batería pasan a segundo plano, "Ambien" y otra que no me ha acabado de convencer porque me resulta un poco monótona, "Triggers".
No podría elegir una como mi favorita porque hay 3 o 4 que me parecen grandiosas al mismo nivel.
Pasando a la valoración final, creo que este disco se merece un buen 8,5. Se trata de un disco grandioso que a los seguidores de KoRn hará gozar como niños.
Por Youtube no circulan más que 3 canciones (contando "Choking Victim") por lo que he decidido dejaros un vídeo con un pequeño cacho de cada canción del disco:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Flash

Happy Meal Horror

A ghost plunked gobs of worms into the All Soul's decay stew. The witch stirred her delicacy. It simmered, deadly toxins wafted through the dreary unforsaken mansion. The lid clanked. "I must slay a man tonight," she cackled. "Conjured from alleyways, an insalubrious alcoholic."

Daemons reassured her, "We'll add toadstools in one hour." She nodded, whisked her broom to the docks plucking a ripe sailor. She returned. Goblins contributed nightshade salad to the impending feast.

Brandishing razor sharp fingernails, the witch slashed her victim's neck. "Bloody rum toddies for all." Midnight chimed. Vampires raised goblets. "To death."

Happy Halloween!

Nickelback - Bottoms Up

Ya sabemos la fecha de lanzamiento del nuevo disco del grupo de rock alternativo Nickelback. Los canadienses sacarán Here And Now el 21 de noviembre y nos han mostrado ya dos canciones que lo compondrán.
El anterior disco me había parecido bastante flojillo pero confío en que este será bastante mejor. Si bien no creo que vuelvan a deleitarnos con canciones como las clásicas "How You Remind Me", "Savin´ Me", "Someday", "Photograph" o "If Everyone Cared" entre otras muchas.
La canción que hoy os ofrezco es "Bottoms Up". No está mal aunque para mi gusto le falta un estribillo más claro y la letra... me parece bastante mala la verdad. Aquí os queda:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Behind the Scenes: Baptismo VIII – Clint Roark

  Quem leu “A Vingança do Lobo” já deve ter apercebido que, embora me identifique mais com o lado dos Ocultos, procuro sempre apresentar a perspectiva dos Obliteradores de modo a que os leitores que os prefiram não se sintam desfalcados. Afinal, apesar da sua fanática dedicação ao extermínio de tudo o que é sobrenatural, estes homens e mulheres não são desprovidos de qualidades.

  A selecção do nome de Clint Roark assentou nesse princípio, sendo por isso que o baptizei usando como referência dois duros do cinema. O nome próprio deve-o a Clint Eastwood o apelido a Mickey Rourke, tendo o último sofrido uma óbvia manipulação para que a associação não fosse demasiado evidente.

Clint Eastwood

Mickey Rourke

  Embora ao longo de "A Vingança do Lobo", Clint tenha tido algumas atitudes que certamente não lhe granjearam muitos fãs, não o considero um mau tipo.

Sale a la venta el disco de Fear And The Nervous System

Ayer, 25 de octubre, se puso a la venta en iTunes la versión digital del disco debut de Fear And The Nervous. Me ha resultado imposible descargarlo en páginas gratuitas por lo tanto no puedo daros todavía mi opinión, pero ciñéndome a lo comentado por gente que lo compró en iTunes os puedo decir que todos estaban muy satisfechos con este trabajo.
Espero mucho de este proyecto que en principio era para 2008 y se ha ido retrasando hasta la fecha de ayer.
El grupo liderado por Munky ya había publicado un single llamado "Choking Victim" que os voy a recordar:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Favorite Fictional Character --- Frederick Loren

This will be my last Halloween Favorite Fictional Character post for they year, and I think it would be a sacrilege to not have a Vincent Price character at some point.  The problem is he had so many awesome roles that deserve the attention.  Last year I posted about Dr. Phibes, a character he played in two movies.  This year I wanted to go with a more human, relatively speaking, villain.  One of my all time favorite movies is the 1959 version of The House on Haunted Hill.  Vincent Price plays the main villain of the piece, Frederick Loren.

Frederick Loren is an eccentric businessman, with a mean streak a mile wide.  He probably killed his first 3 wives and it looks like he's on his way of getting rid of his fourth.  He has rented a old haunted house, with a very violent past,  to throw her a birthday party, but he didn't invite any of her friends.  Instead he invited 5 complete strangers and offered them $10,000 to spend the night.  The only hitch is that the electricity will be turned off and all the doors and windows will be locked after midnight.  Anyone who is still alive will get the money.  Of course, the demented man had a reason for inviting each of the people he did.  He plays a sick game in the movie, one that he makes sure to win.

What I loved about the character is the sheer genius of the man.  For those of you who have not seen the movie, I don't want to ruin it for you, but I have to tell one key point of the plot in order to gush about the character.  He is able to take a situation, where he was the intended target and turn it around.  Instead of being the victim (which he deserved to be) he got the people who were trying to get him.  And he did it in such a way, that they had no clue.  The were in the middle of celebrating when the tables get turned, loved it.

There are times when I want the bad guy to win, this movie is one of those cases.  Though I must say, there is more than one evil person involved.  I think Vincent Price, as usual, brought such a quiet menace to the role that as a viewer I loved to hate him.  I relished every minute he was on screen.  If you haven't seen this movie and his performance as Frederick Loren I would highly encourage you to do so.  Skip the remake.

I managed to find the full movie on youtube if anyone is interested.

Chad Smith cumple 50 años

El batería de Red Hot Chili Peppers cumple hoy 50 años.
Chad Gaylord Smith nació el 25 de octubre de 1961 en Saint Paul, Minnesota. Empezó a tocar la batería con 7 años y tocó en varias bandas antes de llegar a Red Hot Chili Peppers en 1988 sustituyendo a Jack Irons.
Además de multitud de premios musicales, Chad Smith entró en el Libro Guiness de los Récords por tocar la batería más grande del mundo compuesta por 308 piezas.
Esperemos que lleve bien el hecho de pasar ya del medio centenar.


Game 5 2011 World Series. Rangers Ballpark in Arlington Texas. Rangers versus Cardinals. Series tied 2-2. This is a huge game, the final one in Arlington. The stadium is a sea of red. The crowd is loud. Palpable energy. To be good, you've gotta have a lot of little boy in you. Roy Campanella.

Good pitching will always stop good hitting and vice-versa. Casey Stengel. St. Louis was up 2-0 and the crowd noise diminished. Then Ranger bats heated up, silly mistakes were corrected, pitching held it together. Talk about ratcheting tension. The plot thickened and Rangers leaped ahead 4 - 2.

Most ball games are lost, not won - Casey Stengel. Have to say, the Rangers held it together, and the Cards made some dubious moves.

Everyone on their feet. Towels waving, hands clapping, cheers and groans. World Series baseball is a whole 'nother beast.

It's the Year of the Napoli. Mike Napoli, Ranger catcher, has done everything right. Big loud home runs, zooming pick-off throws. The stadium's collective chant Napoli, Napoli, Napoli sums it up. The man behind me wore a t-shirt, ...and they lived Napoli ever after ... Let's hope that's true for the Texas Rangers as they head to St.Louis for Game 6 on Wednesday. Up 3 -2 in a best of 7 series. Drama, tension, and characters. Baseball literature is alive.

I Have A Guest Post At Wag The Fox

Gef, over at Wag The Fox, asked me to review one of my favorite monster movies.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do at first, but after lots of thinking, I went with Brotherhood of the Wolf.  For those of you not familiar with it, it's a terrific French movie with lots of action and a great cast.  Please go on over and read my review of it.

Irina Shayk Pictures, Wallpapers, and Images