
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The High King of Montival by S.M. Stirling

Synopsis From Back Cover:

Rudi Mackenzie traveled to Nantucket, where he found and took up the Sword of the Lady and, with it, his destiny.  His return journey to the area knows as Montival, in the Pacific Northwest, is a treacherous one since he and his companions must cross three thousand miles, making both allies and adversaries along the way.

When he reaches his destination, he will face the legions of the Prophet.  To achieve victory, Rudi must assemble a coalition of those who were his enemies just months before, then forge them into an army that will rescue his homeland and tear the heart out of the Church Universal Triumphant once and for all.

Only then will Rudi be able to come to terms with how the Sword has changed him - as well as the world - and assume his place as Artos, High King of Monitval...

I'm trying to get caught up on this series before the next book comes out in September of this year, and I still need to get the book after this one.  It's amazing how some series can make you buy every book that comes out, regardless of how many of them there are.  I can only think of a few authors that have been able to create a world that I want to keep coming back to over and over again.  S.M. Stirling, with his Emberverse world, is one of those special authors.

It's always interesting to see how an author can take an idea as far fetched as turning off all the electricity, making gunpowder inert, and turning the world into a patchwork of feudal states, religious territories, and warring parties, and make it all believable.  This was my seventh foray into the world that Stirling created, and I'm still loving it at much as I did when I first encountered it.

Rudi, Mathilda, Farther Ignatius, Astrid, and the rest of the characters are one of the funnest group of characters I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time.  My only regret is that as the series continues to develop, some of the older characters have turned into more of a supporting cast who don't get the page time they should.  I would love to see Signe, Eric, Juniper, and Chuck and Judy Barstow make more appearances as the story progresses.  I'm even missing the Huttons who were such a pivotal part of the first three books.  And while I'm at it, I would even like to know what happened to Dr. Rothman and Eric and Signe's father, Kenneth Larsson.  I guess I had to grouse for a bit, but the current crop of youngsters are enough to keep me coming back for more.

I'm looking forward to the action turning back towards Montival (what used to be Oregon and Washington) and how the allies are going to deal with the fanaticism of CUT and the Powers controlling the Prophet and his followers.  It's going to be interesting to read how Rudi is able to maintain and turn a group of former enemies into a cohesive kingdom who needs to defeat an existential threat to their survival.

Other Books In The Series:

Ashanti To Visit ACHS

School Of R&B!

The Grammy Award Winning Multi-Platinum Singer/Songwriter Actress and Author – ASHANTI, to visit Atlantic City High School on Friday, June 1, 2012.

Hump Day Fitness with Hesh Part 2! THIS WEEK'S SPIN!

Conto: "Dança do Corvo (1ª parte) - Asas na escuridão"

   O vento desliza pelos ramos, fazendo estalar as folhas ao luar. Pés pequenos, envoltos em waraji esmagam o solo amolecido pela chuva, ao adoptarem uma posição sólida, em preparação para a batalha. Uma mão pálida, aparentemente delicada, ergue-se para agarrar a bainha negra à cintura, atada com firmeza de encontro ao hakama, enquanto outra atravessa diante da barriga, pousando sobre o punho da katana desprovida de guarda.

   Entre árvores milenares, cuja altura parece desafiar o Céu, envolta em sombras que enegrecem a sua palidez sobrenatural, está uma pequena guerreira loura de feições cheias, quase angelicais. Os seus olhos azul-esverdeados brilham a cada mudança de luz.

   O silêncio e o negrume escondem uma paz falsa. Ela sabe que não está sozinha. Sente o bater dos corações e, pelo canto do olho, consegue ver os inimigos moverem-se entre as copas. À distância que estão, o sangue que lhes corre nas veias, que devia ser para ela como fogo na escuridão, não passa de uma faísca fugaz. Conhecendo bem a rapidez dos adversários, a filha da noite não se deixa enganar pela ilusória segurança que o espaço entre eles proporciona.

   Procurando suprimir o nervosismo, a vampira passa a língua pelos caninos. Nesse exacto momento, um dos corações bate mais depressa, fazendo-a virar para o atacante, que voa na sua direcção, batendo as asas ruidosamente, naginata em mãos.
   “É uma distracção” apercebe-se, sacando da espada e preparando-se para atacar o outro inimigo que plana na sua direcção, vindo de trás. Vê-o, ficando impressionada por constatar que se encontra tão relaxado, que o coração bate como se estivesse sentado a beber chá e não no coração de uma batalha. Não fosse pela sua experiência, a vampira nunca o teria sentido aproximar-se. Infelizmente, também ele era um engodo.

   Mesmo com Pulsar, Eleanora quase não detecta a tempo um tengu que cai do céu em voo picado, directamente sobre a sua cabeça, qual falcão-peregrino a tomar partido do ângulo morto, sendo apenas graças aos seus reflexos sobrenaturais que consegue evitar ser empalada pela longa lança. Desviada pela katana, a lâmina dupla da lança limita-se a rasgar de alto a baixo a manga esquerda do quimono masculino, enquanto Eleanora recua, saindo do caminho do Oculto voador, na esperança que ele se despenhe ao falhar o alvo. Demonstrando uma incrível perícia física e agilidade mental, o yokaivoador recupera de imediato, planado graciosamente para longe, sem sequer tocar no chão. A vampira sente as penas das asas do inimigo no rosto, mas não reage a tempo de lhe acertar.

   Quase de imediato, vê-se obrigada a usar a katanapara desviar a lâmina de outro tengue depois a rebolar sobre o ombro para fugir à naginata de um terceiro, aquele cujo coração batia com o poder de ondas a esmagarem-se contra penedos.
   A mortal dança prossegue. Os três yokaivoadores, rápidos e precisos, acossam-na em círculos cada vez mais apertados, em vagas que a impedem de concentrar-se num alvo. A vampira baixa-se e, em vez de ficar sem pescoço, é-lhe cortado o rabo-de-cavalo louro, preso no topo da cabeça. Rolando para a frente desvia-se de uma arma e, dessa posição vulnerável, deflecte outra com a katana. Os cabelos soltos caem-lhe sobre o rosto ao erguer-se, sendo então que os arqueiros atacam.

Próxima: Dança do Corvo (2ª parte) – O mais poderoso



Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Secret Garden by Frances H. Burnett

When Mary Lennox is left an orphan, stranded in India, she is shipped off to a distant uncle who lives amongst the moors in Yorkshire.  For a girl who was used to getting her way in everything, servants to dress her and obey her every command, the lonely house is a great change.  She is a bratty child, though that's the result of neglect more than anything else.

When she learns of a secret garden, shut up since the death of her uncle's late wife, she seizes on the idea to discover it for herself.  With the help of an ancient gardener, the younger brother of a house maid, and her long hidden cousin, Mary brings the garden back to life and as a result discovers a new life for herself and her cousin.

Back in July of 2010 I bought a few classic books from Barnes & Noble for $1.79 per book.  I bought five of them, have read two of them, and the rest have been languishing on my shelves ever since.  One of those books, waiting to be read, was The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  I'm going to admit, right up front, that even though I bought it and planned on reading it someday, I was never in a hurry to do so.  If it hadn't been less than two dollars for a hardcover, I probably would not have purchased it that day.  I guess I could make some sort of unbiased excuse, but the real reason I didn't feel a fire to read it, I always thought of it as girl's book.  Now what that actually means in reality, I have no frickin clue.  I know that's not a valid reason to not read a book that many consider a classic, but it's the only one I got.  So when Sheila at Book Journey suggested a read-a-long when some of us mentioned on one of her posts hat we haven't read it, I figured I might as well get it over with.

I will even have to admit to finding my line of thinking validated about a third of the way through the book.  I even remember telling a friend of mine who loves this book that I felt like such a "girl" while I was reading it.  I will even have to go as far as saying, part of me was a little embarrassed to tell anyone I was reading it.  Then something a little strange happened.  I started to relax and allow myself to put all my preconceived notions behind me.  I wish I could tell you what triggered that change in my thinking, but I can't.  All I can say is that once I allowed myself to really take in what I was reading, I started to fall in love with Mary and her quest to discover the hidden garden.

I found myself utterly fascinated with the change in temperament and behavior that Mary was undergoing as she started to realize the life may actually be interesting if she gets out and does something about it.  With nobody around who was willing to coddle her and tolerate her bad behavior, Mary started to grow in ways that only her changed environment would ever allow.  Now granted, the book over simplifies the changes show goes through, giving a lot of the credit to physical exercise in the outdoors.  Don't get me wrong, I love being outside. As a kid, I was truly happy camping in the great outdoors, swimming in the lakes of Northern Minnesota, and climbing trees.  I understand the benefits of being outside, I just think Mary's behavioral changes are a little bit much for the catalyst that kicked started it.

The other aspect I truly loved was the discovery and transformation of her cousin.  Much like Mary, Colin starts off as a whiny brat.  His mother died during childbirth and ever since then, he has been coddled and babied in such a way that has left the household in terror of him.  He blames himself, but most importantly, thinks everyone else for the death of his mother.  He thinks he is going to to die young and has a bag that is deformed.  While everyone in the community knows about him, nobody really talks about it.  He is hidden in a separate wing of the house, a wing Mary is told to never visit.  Because of some mysterious crying, Mary discovers her cousin and sees in him, her past behavior.  Because of the friendship that develops between the two of them, they both awaken into the children they should have been given different circumstances.

Now while I really enjoyed and could even say I loved this story, I'm not going to be very good at getting across the way it made me feel.  This was a affirmation for me of the magic of childhood and what it means to be accepted by those around you and how important "home" is to your identity.  It's a celebration of nature and the benefits of being in sync with your environment.  I will also have to admit that had I read this as a kid, I would have loved it, and never admitted to reading it.  Now as an adult, I will proudly proclaim that not only have I read The Secret Garden, but I fell in love with it.

The copy I own is filled with wonderful full color illustrations by Tasha Tudor.  I wish I was able to share all of them with you, but I hope the ones I picked gave a good overall impression of the magical world she was able to capture.

I would like to thank Sheila for the excuse to read the book and share my experience with others who were reading it around the same time.  Please join us for the discussion.  So join us for the garden party over at Sheilas.

Temos conto!

  Amanhã, aqui no blogue, começarão as publicações do conto com a personagem que escolheram de "Crónicas Obscuras - A Vingança do Lobo", Eleanora "Lâmina Sangrenta" Reeve, intitulado:

Crónicas Obscuras: Dança do Corvo   

Defy Gravity or Embrace Memphis Rock 'N Soul

Gregory Maguire started with an interesting premise for a book. Everyone knows the classic 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz. But, does everyone wonder what happened before the house fell on the wicked witch? How did evil begin? Wicked was quite successful, and in another level of creativity theater folks adapted the book (Winnie Holzman), created music and lyrics (Stephen Schwartz) and voila! a hit Broadway musical.

I saw a Dallas touring production a few years ago and was delighted. I saw the Gershwin Theater production recently and was blown away - what a stage, what sets, costumes, lighting, and voices. There were flying monkeys everywhere. No One Mourns the Wicked begins our musical journey, Popular sticks in the brain, and Defying Gravity will have you soaring.

Wicked is good.

Memphis tells the tale in music of a white DJ who's just crazy enough to hang on Beale Street, devour black music, and spread its joy. It's not easy, but the struggle is worth it. This musical journey shows the impact of integration issues through music. The glory of the voices will have you shouting amen.

The Music of My Soul, Everybody Wants to Be Black on a Saturday Night, and Someday will have you tapping your toes. Say a Prayer will bring tears to your eyes. Stand Up, Change Don't Come Easy, and Memphis Lives in Me will have you believing in the power of rock and roll, gospel, and blues.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Favorite Fictional Character --- Huckleberry Hound

I guess it's time to pull the next, and last, name out of the hat.  I do it with just a bit of sadness since it means there will be tons of dogs that will not get their moment in the sun.  I know I could keep those bits of paper until sometime next year, but that's just an awful mess to hold onto for that long.  I'm actually impressed that I managed to do it for a month.  I've had a lot of fun highlighting some of my favorite canine characters over the last month and I think, though it was through chance, that the dogs selected offer a good overview of man's best friend in the fictional world.  With that being said, I would like to introduce Huckleberry Hound.

I think there is strong argument to make over whether Disney or Hanna-Barbera has contributed the most to pop culture.  I'm not even sure I could pick a winner between the two of them, but if my feet were held onto burning coals, I would have to give the edge to Hanna-Barbera.  When you think of iconic cartoon characters, some of which have been featured on the blog in past years, I will guarantee most of them are Hanna-Barbera creations.  One of my favorites, who I don't think gets the love he deserves, is Huckleberry Hound.  The blue dog with a southern drawl who never seems to have a good grasp on any job, has to be one of those classic characters that brings a smile to my face every time I run across one of his cartoons.

Huckleberry, bless his heart, just can't seem to do anything the way he's supposed to.  He's been a police officer, dragon slayer, cowboy, knight, jungle boy, and just about anything else you can think of.  The fact that he survives these "occupations" has to be attributed to a guardian angel hovering around him constantly. As much as he tries, and he does tries, nothing goes the right way.  But like any true hero, he never gives up or becomes discouraged.  He keeps on keeping on, of course it wouldn't be as much fun to watch if he didn't.

I think I'm going to end this now and go watch a few of his cartoons on YouTube.  Nothing moves me quite the way Huckleberry does when he is singing "Oh My Darling, Clementine."

Behind the Scenes: Novidade e aviso

NOVIDADE: o conto já anda pelos beta-readers. Já não falta muito...

AVISO: enquanto estiverem a ser publicadas as partes do conto (para não ser o texto todo de uma vez, à bruta) não farei posts de "Diário Visual", "Writer's Log" e afins. Acho que sempre fica menos confuso e mais prático. O que acham? 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey

Synopsis From Back Cover:

Simon Ashby was soon to turn twenty-one and the lean years would be over.  After his parent's death, his Aunt Bee had come to Latchetts, the Ashby's small country estate in the English midlands, to care for him, his three sisters, and his twin brother, Patrick, who had later disappeared; it was assumed that Patrick had drowned himself, although his body had never been found.  Now Simon was about to inherit Latchetts and his mother's sizable fortune.  Enter Brat Farrar, who had been carefully coached on every significant detail of Patrick's early life, who imitated is every mannerism and even looked like him.  it seemed an impossible feat:  to pose as someone else before his very family, especially when Simon discovered what was happening and that Brat was out to cheat him of his fortune!  The question of why he wasn't exposed begged to be answered.  Had Simon laid careful plans to foil Brat's game?  Culminating in a final, terrible moment when the two confront one another.

I've been trying to figure out a way to review or explain my reactions to  this without spoiling the whole book for anyone who actually takes the time to read the entire post.  After days of thought and prayer, I'm forced to face the stone cold truth, I can't.  There is no way to explain my reactions to this book without giving away the entire point of the book.  So, that leaves me with three choice.  Don't write a review at all, which isn't going to happen.  I could spill the beans and leave you with no reason to read the book for yourself, which doesn't sound like a lot of fun either.  My third option is simply write a short paragraph saying how much I love the book and leave it at that.  I think it's the third route I'm going to take.

This was one of those books that tries to trick you from the very beginning.  It's gives a wonderful, interest inducing synopsis that makes a reader want to take the book home, curl up on a couch, and read all about the schemes of Brat Farrar.  The title of the book alone should have given me pause to think that not everything was as it appeared to be.  But it wasn't anything I really thought about until I was so suckered into the lives of the Ashbys, that nothing was going to tear me away from this book.  I found it to be compelling, well thought out, and structured in such a way that nothing seems out of character or out of place in the book.

I told you I loved the book, gave a hint at the twists and turns involved in the storyline, and now I'm just going to say that fans of the Golden Age of mystery, should give this one a go.

Challenges:  VM (Golden Age Girls)

See Beyonce in her first show after pregnancy

The star did homage to Whitney Houston and Donna Summer
Beyoncé letras Singer Beyoncé starred in the stage Ovation Hall Revel in the resort and casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, last weekend. The singer of "4" will make this evening the last show of the series of four presentations at the hotel, which began on Friday, 25.
With hits like "Crazy In Love," "Get Me Bodied," "Party (feat. Kanye West, Andre 3000)" and "Baby Boy", the star has entertained his fans and celebrities like Will Smith and his wife, and The Dream even Michelle Obama, who had praised the last week.
In addition, Beyoncé did homage to Whitney Houston singing a part of "I Will Always Love You" and Donna Summer with her hit "Naughty Girl", which features an audio of "Love To Love You Baby", written by Disco Queen.
This series of concerts marked the return of the star on stage since she gave birth to Blue Ivy Carter in January. In the show Saturday, May 26, Beyoncé joked with the audience: "You do not know how I had to work up a sweat. I had to lose 27 pounds! They made ​​me eat lettuce." Check out some parts of the presentation of the artist:

Justin Bieber is involved in a fight with paparazzi

The singer was leaving the movie with Selena Gomez, see images!

The meeting Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez during the Memorial Day holiday weekend did not go as planned. The pop star was involved a scuffle with a paparazzo after leaving a theater in Calabasas in California last Sunday, May 27.
According to the website GossipCenter, a group of paparazzi was waiting at the exit when the film that the celebrity couple watched over. Bieber had lost his temper with a photographer came too and supposedly blocking their passage. A hat and shoes of the singer of "Boyfriend" fell as he ran to confront the man. Then the singer returned to his van, while his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, helped him to calm down.
The couple left before police and paramedics arrived at the venue for the photographer who had been beaten in the face. According to TMZ, a paparazzo made ​​a police report and police are investigating the case and called the star of "Under The Mistletoe" to testify. See pictures of the event:

Justin Bieber letras

Justin Bieber letras  Justin Bieber letras

Justin Bieber letras  Justin Bieber letras

Diário Visual: 28 de Maio de 2012

Conto "500 seguidores" com Eleanora it's a work in progress...

Kiseru (cachimbo japonês). Primeiro draft do conto de Eleanora está feito.   O que falta?  Outra passagem de olhos, martelar certos pormenores, rever, deixar a marinar, rever outras vez, passar pelos beta-readers e voltar a rever. (Será que estou a rever quanto baste? Que se lixe, quando em dúvida mais uma revisão).

Memorial Day 2012

The noble kind of patriotism ... aims at ends that are worthy of the whole of mankind
Albert Schweitzer

Nicki Minaj asks fans to choose their next single

Moreover, the star revealed to come to Brazil in late 2012
Nicki Minaj letras  Less than two weeks, the singer Nicki Minaj released the video for "Right By My Side (Feat. Chris Brown)," his collaboration with Chris Brown, but the star is already moving on and decided to ask their fans to help choose his next single. On the night of last Thursday, May 24, the singer released three different polls with multiple options for their second studio album.
With mixtures of hip-hop and pop "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded", the singer has created three polls released divided by gender. The first contest brings the slower songs on the disc ("Marilyn Monroe", "Fire Burns", "Forever Young" and "Gun Shot (Feat. Beenie Man)"), deals with the second battle of the rapper's alter ego, Roman Zolanski ("Champion (feat. Nas, Drake, Young Jeezy)", "HOV Lane" and "I Am Your Leader (feat. Cam'ron, Rick Ross)"). In the last poll, the singer chose three dance tracks ("The Pound Alarm", "Whip It" and "Va Va Voom").
Soon after publication, Minaj resorted to its 12 million Twitter followers to help her in the vote: "Vote in the poll! And leave your comments. I read them now." At this point, "Marilyn Monroe", "Champion (feat. Nas, Drake, Young Jeezy)" and "Va Va Voom" have the most votes on the official website of the singer.
Also, this Friday, when a fan asked Brazilian Nicki on Twitter when she would come to Brazil, the star quenched the curiosity of many by revealing that her tour will pass through the country later this year. Check out the original tweet below:

End of the year> RT @closertothedge8: @NICKIMINAJ Nicki, when do u come to Brazil? we love u so much, i love u so much! come to Brazil :D

Check One Direction singing "What Makes You Beautiful" in Acoustic

The members were surprised fans at a diner
One Direction letras The members of One Direction did a special show and cozy for your American fans. The boy band introduced an acoustic version of the international hit "What Makes You Beautiful" as part of the series VEVO GO Shows
The band surprised a group of fans who were in a cafeteria-style '50s thinking would watch a preview of the new DVD of the tour, "Up All Night: The Live Tour," which will be released on May 28.
The youth could not hide the excitement when the members entered the site and followed the quintet in the lyrics of the track "Up All Night." "Our songs are usually pretty fun and energy, so when we played acoustic, it's nice to slow down a bit and make them a little more personal. It is less atmosphere and more people that are in place," said Harry Styles .
Check out the acoustic version of "What Makes You Beautiful" from One Direction: reveals clip 'This Is Love', a partnership with Eva Simons

Range will be in # willpower, the singer's new album letras released the clip on the network of This Is Love (feat. Eva Simons), a partnership with Dutch Eva Simons and third single from her new album, # willpower, still no release date set.
In the video, the star of the Black Eyed Peas plays piano at the famous Tower Bridge, one of the most popular postcards of the United Kingdom, where the single will be available for download as of June 24.
This Is Love (feat. Eva Simons) was produced by Steve Angello of Swedish House Mafia and comes after the singles THE (The Hardest Ever) (feat. Mick Jagger, Jennifer Lopez) and Great Times.
The artist, who currently participates in the program The Voice UK as a judge and mentor, said recently that with the collaboration of Britney Spears, Alicia Keys, Shakira and Busta Rhymes on his new LP.
Check out the video for This Is Love (feat. Eva Simons):

Vendidos Park - Lies Greed Misery

"Stinkin´" Park publicó a finales de la semana pasada una nueva canción de su próximo disco Living Things.
Normalmente suelo dar mi opinión de forma respetuosa y lo más educada posible intentando no ofender a nadie, pero es que en esta ocasión estos tíos me superan... Por tanto, si no queréis ver improperios y exabruptos mejor no leáis esta entrada.
Tras escuchar "Lies Greed Misery" he entendido lo poco que vale la palabra de este sexteto de mamones. "El nuevo disco será una mezcla del sonido de Hybrid Theory con más elementos electrónicos propios de los últimos discos, pero con riffs pesados de guitarra" decía más o menos el señorito Chester Bennington. ¿Me puedes decir dónde coño están los riffs pesados de guitarra? O muy sordo estoy o sólo escucho malditos sonidos discotequeros sin guitarra, ni batería, ni bajo ni leches. Por encima el descerebrado de Shinoda se empeña en creerse rapero y se dedica a estar toda la canción haciendo el capullo. Para más inri, la voz de Chester (lo único salvable hasta ahora) se ve deformada por programas informáticos para que suene más "cool" porque claro, si usa su voz natural podía ser que la canción sirviera al menos para escuchar. Lo importante es atraer a adolescentes hormonados que sólo quieren arrimar cebolleta en discotecas, pero eso sí, que compran tantos discos como peines compran los calvos.
Estos desgraciados nos han probado que son peores que niños. Si un niño toca el fuego y se quema, no volverá a hacerlo nunca. Ellos se vendieron hace 2 años y el experimento fue un absoluto y rotundo fracaso en ventas. Pues nada, ellos insisten.
Algunos me dirán que ellos hacen lo que les da la gana. Cierto, están en su derecho de hacer lo que les salga de las protuberancias, pero eso sí, que no vengan publicitándose con que hacen rock. Cuando ellos digan abiertamente que hacen pop dejaré de criticarlos para pasar a ignorarlos como hago con los demás grupos pop.
Otros me dirán lo que tantas veces he oído de... "un verdadero fan seguirá animando a Linkin Park hagan lo que hagan". Yo no soy un verdadero fan de absolutamente nadie. Soy un amante del metal y disfruto también con ciertos grupos de rock, no soy fan de ningún grupo. Y vosotros, "fan boys", estáis acabando con la música. Sed objetivos y dejad de lamer el culo de grupos a los que importáis una mierda. Estoy harto de catetos que sueltan la típica perla de... "Linkin Park son los mejores", "System of a Down son los mejores", "Rammstein son los mejores"... Los mejores para vosotros, lo que no significa ni siquiera que sean buenos (que conste que tanto System como Rammstein me encantan, era un ejemplo). Gente como vosotros me pone enfermo.
Creo que este grupo se podría ahorrar 3 sueldos, ya que tanto Rob Bourdon, como Dave Farrell o Brad Delson pintan menos aquí que periodista de Telecinco en una biblioteca.
Os dejo ya la canción, que lleva un título muy ajustado a ellos, "Lies Greed Misery":

Dressed in American Flag, Katy Perry makes special show for sailors

The lucky star kissed an officer in the Fleet Week New York
Katy Perry letras Singer Katy Perry brought her patriotic spirit for a special presentation to the troops of sailors, marines and coastguard officers of the United States during Fleet Week in New York.
The Fleet Week is a tradition of the U.S. Navy that lasts a week, in which officers land in the nearest ports to take advantage and visit the attractions of the city, usually with special events and concerts.
Before taking the stage, the star of "Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection" told MTV News: "I ​​think if anyone deserves a party, people are in service. It is they who (...) are protecting us from 'bad guys' and they deserve to celebrate and be celebrated. always heard about Fleet Week New York, but never attended it. It's really fun to see all these sailors in white. There is a touch of vintage and patriotic and I love a theme party ".
Katy presented the title track of his album, "Teenage Dream", the recent "Part Of Me" and his newest single "Wide Awake". Entretando, the climax of the evening was when the singer chose one lucky Marine and smiling to take the stage and help to recreate the classic photo of a sailor kissing a nurse and the Fleet Week after the end of World War II.
Check out Katy Perry kissing the Marine and iconic photo from 1945:
Katy Perry letras  Katy Perry letras

Katy Perry letras

And the winner is...

  Eleanora "Lâmina Sangrenta" Reeve! Sem grande surpresa a vampira bitch slaps the competition. No início ainda houve em despique entre ela, Vik e Lance, mas depois acelerou, fazendo-os comer uns bons quilinhos de poeira.

  Eleanora arrecadou 31% dos votos. Medalha de prata foi para Vik Fenrissky (18%) e a de bronze para Lance "Meia-Raça (15%).

  A única verdadeira surpresa foi o 4º lugar ter ido para Kate Midwaay, com 10% dos votos. Talvez a vejamos ascender em iniciativas futuras...

  Monk e Roy McAllister ficaram empatados nos 7%, enquanto os demais candidatos receberam valores demasiado insignificantes par mencionar.  

  Resta saber, será que na próxima sondagem, Eleanora voltará a ganhar?

  Prometido é devido e em breve terão o belo do conto.

Sunday, May 27, 2012



Mailbox Monday for 5/2/12

Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme created by Marcia at Mailbox Monday and is being hosted all this month by Martha of Martha's Bookshelf.

I received an ARC of Let the Devil Sleep by John Verdon, a hardcover of The American Bible by Stephen Prothero, and a trade paperback of A Bitter Truth by Charles Todd for upcoming TLC Book Tours.  

I received a hardcover of Rather Outspoken by Dan Rather from Media Connect for review.

I received a trade paperback of The Pack: Retribution by L.M. Preston for review.

I bought a trade paperback of Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie on my last trip to Barnes & Noble.

I bought the first (and only season) of The River on DVD for $8.89 from BestBuy.

Sunday Funnies