
Monday, September 14, 2009

BBAW Interview Swap: Spotlight on Sheila

Over the last few months I've had the opportunity to get to know a great blogger who puts a smile on my face every time I visit her blog. As many of you already know she is truly a kind person who always has a nice thing to say. So I was ecstatic when I drew her name for the interview swap. So with no further ado I would like to present to you Sheila of One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.

Sheila hard at work.

1. What started you down the road of reading?

As long as I can remember I have been a reader. I cant put my finger on the when or why... in 2nd grade I won the Bookworm award for always having my nose in a book.

2. Was there a book or books that you feel changed your life in a positive way?

Hmmm... The Betty Crocker Cook Book. LOL.... Seriously... there are so many books that I hold dear to my heart and each one for a different reason... Other than the Bible I don't think I can name one.

3. How has having a family influenced you in your reading habits? Do you read books that you wouldn't have otherwise?

That is actually funny as I started reading the Harry Potter series to see what my boys were reading. By book two, we had to have three copies of each book in the house so we all could be reading it and by book three I was finishing them faster than either of them and waiting for them to finish so we could talk about it!

4. In what way does your faith influence you in what to read or not to read?

I really enjoy almost all styles of books other than real graphic gory, a lot of strong language or sexual content type books. I think to me that is my personal preference and not really a faith decision. If a book doesn't feel right to me I would put it down. Plenty to read out there that I would enjoy! :)

5. What influenced you start your own book blog?

I started my book blog for me. I am pretty sure when I started it I didn't know it was a book blog. I thought I was just recording books that I read in an online journal format. I thought what I was doing was unique and I did it only for me. This past June when someone commented on my blog (which was unusual) I followed their link and found the book blogging world!

What a fantastic outdoor workspace.

6. How has book blogging changed your life? (reading habits, time management, that sort of thing)

I really put more time into it than I ever thought I would. I am not complaining! It is a whole new world for me and I am still at the kid in a candy store phase. I love reading about new books on blogs, I love entering the contests, chatting with fellow book lovers, helping them.... if anything I need to limit my online time as it can cut into my reading time. I really do enjoy blog hopping.

7. Has your taste in books changed through your life? Have you found yourself reading books you might now have when you were younger? Or Are there books you loved in the past and now you can't imaging why?

My book tastes have really changed. In the early adult years I read everything I could get my hands on by Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Nora Roberts and Daniele Steel. When I started our book club 8 years ago it was to expand my reading and now I couldn't name a favorite author if I tried. I have learned to really enjoy diversity in books.

8. What is your favorite genre to read?

That's tough... I enjoy women's literature, historical fiction, books on other cultures.... yet recently have also dabbled into some YA and fantasy that I am really liking as well.

9. Are there favorite authors you tend to go back to whenever they have new releases?

Yes, there are a few... Harlan Coben is a must read every time! I keep an eye on what Jodi Piccoult is doing and I still watch Dean Koontz although I do not read all of his books anymore but occasionally see one that I want to read.

10. This is a totally subjective question. What elements do you look for in a book? What makes a book a "good read"?

I like strong characters. Wimpy characters are disheartening. Strong plots - a strong cause.... causes can really get me reading. I also find I like books with not a lot of characters. This may be just me, but books with many characters can be confusing. If their names sound anywhere near alike (IE. Bart and Barty) I find myself mixing up their characters and having to back track in the book to see what is what. I like to know the characters and too many takes away from that.

Does this look familiar to anyone?

11. How do you decide what books to review?

When I get an offer for a review, I make sure that the book is something I really think I will enjoy. I look at the author and see what else they have written. I read about the book and Google it for more information on it. I still occasionally find one I do not enjoy, but it certainly isn't from lack of research.

12. Are there certain foods or drinks you absolutely have to have when you are reading?

Yes, green M & M's and only in even quantities with a diet coke at room temperature. I am kidding.... actually no ritual foods. I do like to snack while I am reading but it is usually whatever is handy, sometimes popcorn or chocolate if I was foolish enough to leave it within my reach. :)

13. How much time are you able to read in a day? How do you juggle the desire to read with other priorities?

Really depends on the day. Most of my read time is in the evening. My husband and I own an excavating company and he keeps weird hours like up at 5 am and asleep by 8 pm. I am a night owl so I read (if I am not on twitter or blogging) about two hours+ a night. On a weekend if I do not have plans I can finish a book a day. As far as juggling priorities, I work in the office so I can check postings occasionally throughout the day - make a blog comment here and there and read during my lunch break. I have mastered reading while on the tread mill or elliptical when I work out and have taken to audio books when I am traveling so I really get my book fix whenever I can.

14. What are some little known facts about yourself?

1. I have been to Honduras five times and worked with children who live in the street. I will be going a 6th time at the end of October. 2. I fell off a horse when I was 14 and was in a coma for 5 days. They told my mom I had a 10% chance of living. 3. After a house fire in 1980, my mom and I lived in Soldotna Alaska for a year with relatives and I completed 7th grade there.

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