
Saturday, September 5, 2009

My ABC's!

Krista at Life or Something Like It tagged me with this meme a few days ago and has since reminded me that she tagged with me it, so I decided I better get it done before she decides to send zombie penguins or rabid hyenas after me.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Share your ABCs
3. Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs
4. Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
5. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag

Available or single? Single, single, single, single, and doomed to be single for the rest of my natural life or until I actually accept a date. Whichever comes first.

Best Friend? My roommate Frankie

Cake or Pie? Can't stand the texture of cake, it creeps me out. The only pies I like are rhubarb, sweet potato, butterscotch cream, gooseberry, or blackberry. I do love cheesecake though.

Drink of choice? Water would be number 1. Then I would have to break it down from there. Non Alcoholic would be: hot tea, hot apple cider, and cranberry juice. Alcohol would be wine (red and dry), vodka (Grey Goose, Belvedere, or Absolut), and silver tequila (Patron Silver only). Now assuming I ever had the time to go out with friends (which I don't) those would be the items I would partake in. I just love long answers, don't you?

Essential item for every day use? Soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, books, and my computer

Favorite color? Blues and greens in every shade, hue.

Google? Too much for stuff I really don't need to know.

Hometown? Two Harbors, MN but currently live in Wichita, KS.

Indulgences? Books, books, books, books, the occasional DVD, followed by more books. Oh yeah I forgot about, and don't laugh, my addiction to calamari.

January or February? January hands down. I'm a winter boy, the colder the better.

Kids and their names? Aidan who is 6 and occasionally acts like he's 60.

Life is incomplete without…? My son, friends, books, Eeyore, tea, Scrabble, and politics.

Marriage? Not even close

Number of siblings? 1 brother

Oranges or apples? Oranges are OK and I only like green or crab apples.

Phobias and fears? Clowns, clowns on motorcycles, clowns stuffed in a car, clowns walking down the street, clowns carrying butcher knifes. I think you get the point!

Quote for the day? "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death." Said by Mame Dennis in the great, great movie Auntie Mame.

Reason to smile? My son, my friends, winning a game of Scrabble, a good, hot cup of tea, and everyone single person reading these answers. You guys are the best and I'm thankful to you every day.

Season? Fall and Winter. I hate heat but love cool breezes, the leaves turning, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, snow, icicles and about a million other things about those two seasons.

Tag 3 people? I think everyone has been tagged by now, but if you are reading this and have not done this, consider yourself tagged! Follow the rules and everything will be OK.

Unknown fact about me? I still cry every time I watch Old Yeller or Bambi and Marley & Me had me bawling like a little baby.

Vegetable you hate? Unlike Krista I love squash, especially butternut squash. So I think the only "vegetables" I don't like are actually classified as fruits. I can't stand eggplant, avocado, and don't like tomatoes on hamburgers.

Worst habit? I like to argue a little bit too much.

X-rays you’ve had? Back, neck, head, chest, knee, and foot

Your fave food? Not sure if this is answerable without taking up a entire post. Calamari, clams, shrimp, cucumbers, radishes, lasagna, potato dumplings, ham, stuffing, au gratin potatoes, and I'll stop the list here because I'm getting hungry.

Zodiac sign? Leo and I was born in the Year of the Dragon.

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