
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Polar bears still not safe

No sooner do we celebrate the listing of the polar as threatened than the idiots strike back.

Why is it that governmental bodies--from city councils on up to the Dictator of the United States--always talk about how important "development" and "progress" are? Are they really representing a majority of We The People's wishes when they waste our money on bridges to nowhere, for instance?
Look at what development and progress have brought to our lives: where we once lived in close union with the land, in some sense of harmony with nature, we have now paved and blacktopped our way over much of that land. We've cut down entire forests, plowed down hills, blown off mountaintops, melted glaciers, raised our planet's temperature, and uglified what was once the most beautiful place we could ever hope to live.
We've stressed ourselves into heart attacks, ulcers, mental breakdowns, and early deaths. We live in a world that's so fast-paced, we hardly have time to even see the roses, much less smell them. We've worked ourselves to death for material objects, often failing to see the value of just being--being in nature, being among the birds and other wildlife that share our planet.

The people of Alaska lived for generations without "development." So did the animals.

It's only a few greedy humans, who view the world as a commodity rather than a gift from the universe, who think "development" is more important than life.

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