
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clinton wins Indiana, Obama wins NC

It appears that my home state of Indiana has pulled it out for Senator Clinton. I have to comment, however, that the biggest loser in the state tonight has to be the Mayor of Gary, Indiana -- Mayor Rudy Clay. Clay, an Obama supporter, made the mistake of going on CNN to try and "explain" why it took hours and hours to get even a small percentage of the machine vote reported. Clay kept repeating that the machine vote couldn't be reported because there were 11,000 absentee ballots to be counted. Make sense? No.

Obama was expected to win North Carolina, and he did -- though not by the margin that some had predicted. None of the pollsters could seem to agree on who would win Indiana. Some had Clinton up by 10 points, some had Obama up by 7 points. All were clearly wrong.

Obama said a few weeks ago that Hillary would win PA, that he would win NC, and that Indiana would be the tie breaker. I think what Indiana demonstrated is that Democrats fundamentally like BOTH of these candidates. Well, not the Kucinich crowd, but Democrats who are engaged in this contest.

I was surprised at how low-key the MSNBC pundits were tonight. Given their history, it would be reasonable to expect them to go in for the kill. That didn't seem to happen. The CNN folks were pretty sedate as well. What's up with that?

Obama gave a good speech tonight. It may be the first time I've ever seen him exhibit any real passion. He needs to do that from now on.

My sister was eager to call me this evening. She had been working at the polls all day, and was absolutely excited about this contest. I can't help but believe this has been good for our party. More people are registering and participating in the process. This can only bode well for Democrats in the fall.

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