
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obama's Unhinged Fans Reveal a Dangerous Zealotry

This is stolen from Taylor Marsh. It is certainly something anyone who supports Sen. Clinton can identify with. Read for yourself:

The comments around here are getting attention. Note to the few uninformed emailing me: I don't control the speech of others. All I can do is keep the Obama flame throwers out who took down my comment section, and eject them from my junk mail folder regularly and often. Let me also add that many of the new people who found my site have been driven away from some of the biggest progressive blogs on the web, because their commenters wouldn't allow them to speak, or the proprietors don't let them in. That's what has happened to Obamabots who try to post here, because they simply cannot control their vitriol, and I don't have time to babysit them. Many Hillary supporters are ticked off at being maligned and censored just because they back Clinton. They have every right to feel that way. As for the conversation in comment sections across the web that Obama's campaign is a "cult," well, many of us who are watching what is happening are worried. We're not in small numbers. We're nominating a president, not a motivational preacher, Elmer Gantry, or L. Ron Hubbard replacement. Read this article about "Obama basic training," which revolves around anything but issues, and you'll see why many of us recoil. That ignoring issues for personal stories is done by design makes it even more frightening. It's the reason headlines are starting to pop up everywhere that are making matters worse, which should concern all Democrats: "Obama Claims the (Thorny) Crown." Can "Obama Camp" be far behind?

But the real problem is that with all of Barack Obama's hope propaganda, the preaching and the "yes we can" mania, what many of us on the other side have had to fight off is invective so vile it requires obscenity disclaimers to share. The more involved you are the more intense the hatred on all levels. May the gods protect you if you're a woman. Nothing can if you're also someone who supports Hillary Clinton. Dare you dissect Obama's lack of policy specifics, or catch people in the act of lying or in the act of projecting Clinton unfairly and negatively, because then you're credibility is questioned, or you are called a "liar," "a witch," a "racist," which is a favorite of Obamabots, or worse, usually much, much worse. So let's just say some of these experiences hardly comport with the press releases of Mr. Hope, or the deification currently under way of him by his unhinged, out of control, thin skinned supporters. It's all Clinton's fault, yes, I know the drill.


Good grief.

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