
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chris Matthews Humiliates Obama Supporter

stolen from Taylor Marsh:

Chris Matthews Humiliates Obama Supporter State Senator Kirk Watson

What has Senator Barack Obama accomplished in the Senate?


Seriously, you'd think the Obama campaign would prep these people, because it's not like this is the first time this has come up.

Can you name any, can you name anything he's accomplished as a congressman?

"Nah, I'm not going to be able to do that. ... " adds Watson, stuttering.

"That's a problem, isn't it?" - Chris Matthews
Yeah, you'd think that would be a problem. But, evidently, Democrats in 2008 don't care about action, they prefer speeches, promises, and fairy tales.

Not me.

However, the Republicans would agree. They'll eat this stuff up.
Please note this isn't a video featuring a FOX News focus group, here is an Obama spokesperson -- and an elected offical -- in Texas. I agree with Taylor, the campaign had to expect this kind of question.

It points again to my concern that Obama is simply not ready for prime time.

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