
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Meme ... meme ... meeeeeee

Mathman has tagged me on yet another meme to come up with a list of items that are both untrue and true. So let's see if I could possibly come of with a list that might fool some of you.

1. Funny that Mathman should mention the Beatles, because I was a huge fan. When they played at the Indiana State Fair grounds I attended the concert.

2. I was also quite the tomboy when growing up, and was the first girl to play on a Little League baseball team in my home town of Middletown.

3. In college I was a news reporter for the campus radio station.

4. While student teaching in Indianapolis, Jane Pauley came to our school. She tripped while walking through a doorway, and I caught her and prevented her from falling. She thanked me and I said it was my way 'to support women' ... she laughed.

5. When I lived in Flordia I was the promotion manager for a Top 40 radio station. One morning as a joke, the morning DJ's decided to call me at home and ask what promotions were coming up that weekend. Even though it was 6 am when the phone rang, I answered their question. Another co-worker said it reminded her of Radar on MASH.

6. As most of you know, I'm a passionate liberal activist. The influence for my becoming a liberal was the strong liberal views of my parents.

7. For a short period of time I was a used car salesperson, which probably accounts for why I like to kick tires.

So, which items above are true, and which are false?

I think this might have been around awhile, so consider yourself tagged if you would like to participate. Oh, and whoever I 'borrowed' the photo from, thanks!

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