
Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Debates

The Republican and Democratic debates just ended, and it's pretty clear why Democratic turnout is so high ... we have the best candidates!

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry listening to the Republicans talk about how wonderful our health care system is. I guess none of them hear about Nataline Sarkisyan, the 17 year-old who died because CIGNA refused to pay for a liver transplant.

Overall, McCain probably helped himself, Romney probably took the biggest hit, Huckabee was on message, but I don't think it's a message that will sell in NH ... and Fred was just boring. Ron Paul tried to make his case around the war, but everyone just ganged up on him and wouldn't really let him talk. McCain did well the last time he ran in NH, I expect he will do well again.

Then it was the Democrat's time in the spotlight. The first thing I was struck by was how tired they all looked. It was unclear going in whether or not Edwards would attack Obama, trying to make it look like a two-way race between the two of them, or would he continue to attack Clinton. That question was answered pretty early when he went after Clinton.

I'm not sure if he helped himself by doing so, but it is understandable. Edwards is almost out of money, so he has to hope that he finishes at least second to be able to stay in the race. If Edwards finishes third I think, as I've mentioned before, he's toast.

Obama was fairly steady tonight, although I thought his response to Hillary about likability was a bit arrogant when he said 'You're likable enough, Hillary.' Clinton, on the other hand handled the question very well.

Hillary did what she had to do, which was to draw distinctions between herself and Obama. I thought she handled the whole "change" issue very well, providing real examples of how she has brought about change. When push came to shove, Edwards couldn't provide any real examples of change he was able to make during his time in the Senate.

I think overall the person who probably benefited from tonight was Hillary. Obama didn't hurt himself, but I don't think he helped himself either. The same for Edwards. Hillary again with stood the attacks, presented real examples of what she has accomplished, and clearly presented herself as someone who is ready to lead from day one.

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