
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I see gay people ... and you can, too!

Question: What is Creating Change?

Answer: Creating Change is the one and only time each year that more than 2,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates from every corner of the country converge to strategize, socialize and mobilize for LGBT equality.

It features top-level trainings, workshops, networking sessions and action-planning with our movement’s best thinkers and brightest innovators — oh yeah, there’s also tons of opportunities for socializing, meeting up with old friends and making lots of new ones. In short, Creating Change is community like you’ve never experienced it before!

For 20 years the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has hosted it's annual Creating Change conference. If you've never attended the first question I would ask is why? It's one of the best conferences for organizers in the country. And you don't have to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to attend -- it just might make it more fun!

I'll be there from Thursday afternoon until Sunday. If you are planning to attend, please stop by the Americans United booth and say hello!

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