
Friday, January 4, 2008

Goals - I haz dem

I don't support outdoor kittehs, but this was a pretty cute lol kitteh, and a good lead-in to my goals for the new year.

1. Bird more often, even if it's just going out on the marsh--which is linked VERY closely to #2.
2. Get up earlier on weekdays so I can bird or exercise before work. Normally, I get up around 7:20, shower and dress, and leave the house as close to 8 as possible. It's always a harried drive to drop Kat off at school and then get to work somewhere close to on time. (okay, I'm usually at least ten minutes late. I admit it. But I have a cool boss.) This year, I'd like to get up earlier so I can spend a little time filling and watching my backyard feeders, or maybe even exercising. God knows I can stand to shed some weight. Which leads me to...
3. Eat better and do actual exercise. I own all these exercise videos and stuff, and I never do them. I need to lose about twenty or thirty pounds this year, so I'm counting on all of you to hassle me about exercising. I've cut out sodas and a lot of the junk I used to eat, but unless I start moving this old body, it's not going to make a bit of difference.
4. Keep up with my commitment to my Bigby year, taking at least one long birding walk per week.
5. Read other books besides Harry Potter. I read A LOT, but I tend to re-read my favorites most of the time, because I love them. I've probably read Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows at least ten times each, and that's just ridiculous. I would like to read some of the other books I got for Christmas instead of just lazing around with Harry and Hermione and Ron.

I have a few others, but I won't bore you with those "be a better and more thoughtful partner" ones. That's just too mushy!

So--I thank you in advance for yelling at me about exercising. I was in the best shape of my life back when I had a pal in the air force who yelled at me constantly. Perhaps I should've been a G.I.Jane. ...Or not.

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