
Monday, August 1, 2011

What is my incentive to support you, Mr. President?

The 2012 election season is underway, and somehow you seem to think liberals and progressives will simply fall in line behind you.  I can hear the comments from your re-election staff now: “Who else is there to vote for?”

My response will be to stay home. 

Working class Americans are hurting, Mr. President, while you continue to “compromise” our future away.  Forget finding a “good paying” job in this economy, finding ANY job is increasingly harder.

And what good is health care reform, which was not much of a reform to begin with, when it is tied to employment?  No job, no health care.

Medicare and Medicaid coverage is diminishing, schools are underfunded, and our infrastructure is crumbling, while the wealthy among us pay less in taxes than do their secretaries.

Tea Party advocates have their heads so far up their asses that they don’t even realize they are working against their own best interests!  The Madison Avenue “party line” they’ve been fed by wealthy Republican’s is working!  Not for struggling average Americans . . . for the wealthy Republicans!

It’s past time for liberals and progressives to rise up and demand that our concerns be represented.  We need to use the only weapon we have – our vote!

How much longer are YOU willing to be the Democrat’s doormat?

There are a few Democrats willing to stand up for us, and they should be supported.

Those who are not should be replaced – by liberal candidates, with a spine.

It seems reasonable to think that after three years in office the President would realize that trying to “compromise” with Republicans is hopeless.  Doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different response IS pure insanity Mr. President.  And it’s killing us.

This voter has had enough. 

To paraphrase Susan B. Anthony, “no self respecting person should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores them.“

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