
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Staci's Favorite Fictional Character --- Charles "Pa" Ingalls

What can I say about Staci of Life In The Thumb.... Well I can start with the fact that she is obsessed with Mr. Darcy, though I still can't quite figure out why.  The vlog she did, calling me out on the subject, gave me a little inkling but it wasn't enough.  Maybe I need a little more, I dont' know, but I have to respect anyone who likes a character as much as she does him.  I can also say she is a fabulous blogger, writer, and all around class act.  She has made me feel welcome from day one, and I can never tell her how much I have appreciated it.  She has been encouraging, even when she didn't realize.  She is a truly special person and I'm glad I've gotten to know her, even if just a little bit.  She has also added to my wish list on more than one (WAY more occasions, so hers is a blog I go back to on an almost daily basis.  If any of you don't know her please stop on by and say hi.  I'm sure you will be made to feel at home.

When Ryan asked me to write up a post for his Favorite Fictional Character Wednesdays I immediately thought of Mr. Darcy! One, because Ryan just can't get enough of my love for Darcy and two, because I seriously do love Darcy. But then I really sat down and thought about a fictional character that made an impact on my life and came up with Pa Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie

When I was in first grade, Mrs. Wilson read Little House in the Big Woods to our class. It was then and there that I fell in love with Pa and Little House on the Prairie. I loved that Pa would get out his fiddle and play music to entertain the family at night. I was also drawn into how safe he made his family feel. 

Then when Little House on the Prairie came to television my little heart swelled to ten times it size! Here was Pa, bigger than life, and with such an infectious laugh. I adored Michael Landon as Pa and felt that he belonged to me. Every week my family gathered together to see what would happen next in the Ingall's little house. Without fail, Pa always treated his children with love, patience and tenderness. I felt safe and secure when I was lost in their world. It was nice to see that my Pa was so much like Laura's Pa. Boy, did I feel special. 

I remember when Michael Landon passed away ...I felt as if a piece of my childhood had died and I wept. I honestly don't believe any fictional character has had such an impact on my childhood as Pa Ingalls. 

Note: I do understand that Mr. Ingalls was a real person, but there is a part of fiction wrapped up in those books and TV shows!!

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