
Monday, September 8, 2008

Breaking with their party

I'm just now getting around to watching the Obama interview on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Sen. Obama is being asked to share how he would "break" with his party. The question is in response to Sen. McCain's constant mantra that he's the maverick with a history of breaking with his party.

Let's be very clear about one thing -- when your party has fucked up the country as much as the Republicans have, when THEY have broken the country, you'd better break from them as much as possible!!

Sen. Obama needs to reject the premise of this line of questioning. For the most part the Democrats have been the party trying to lookout for the American people. Republican have taken on the role of the obstructionist party, with a history of looking out for their wealthy friends.

Don't forget it was John McCain who recently commented that everyone earning less than $5 million is part of the middle class. $5 MILLION ... MIDDLE CLASS??? Is he kidding???? Again, this demonstrates just how out of touch he is with everyday, working Americans.

So Sen. Obama, the next time a reporter asks you how would you break with your party remind them that what's in the best interest of the country is for all of us to break with the Republican Party! At least that's my opinion ...


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