
Sunday, June 15, 2008

If it's Sunday ...

NBC veteran Tom Brokaw anchored today's edition of "Meet The Press." Leaving the anchor chair empty, Brokaw and others used the hour to remember Russert. But now NBC has the task of finding a permanent replacement.

Some of the names being floated around include David Gregory, Chris Matthews and "Morning Joe" Scarborough. None of which would be acceptable to me. I swear I'll drive over to Nebraska Ave. in DC (where MTP originates) to lead the protest if NBC picks the misogynist Chris Matthews. And I'd be tempted to do the same if they picked Morning Joe or Gregory.

What we DON'T need is more morning talk from sexist, white men.

How about a little innovation NBC ... how about filling the position with a woman!

Some of the women's names being floated include Andrea Mitchell and Gwen Ifill. I would add Lisa Myers to the list. Going outside the current NBC family, the network could consider Judy Woodruff or even former NBC alumni Katie Couric.

Chuck Todd's name has also been bantered about, and I wouldn't have a huge problem with that, other than we would be getting yet another (white) man.

Michael Calderone, at Politico, reports on the challenge for NBC in finding someone to replace Russert.

So now NBC is faced with the unenviable task of trying to replace someone who — judging from the heartfelt tributes from political and journalistic luminaries — appears irreplaceable. In addition to “Meet the Press” being the highest-rated Sunday public affairs show, Russert could also boast of being the longest-running host for television’s longest-running program.

“I can’t imagine them going outside NBC,” said Andrew Tyndall, an independent television analyst, who added that he considers the network’s news operation the strongest in television.

Tyndall said that if he were NBC News President Steve Capus, a short list for the position would include White House correspondent David Gregory, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell — both of whom have guest-hosted “Meet the Press” — as well as political director Chuck Todd and “Hardball” host Chris Matthews. Two dark-horse candidates could be “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough or perhaps former “Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw — that is, if he had any interest in returning to such a prominent role.
So who do you think NBC should pick?

What Others have to say:

Who will Replace Russert?

If it's Sunday ...*

*The headline for this post stolen from Steve at The Carpetbagger Report.

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