
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Olbermann Meltdown ... Yikes!

As my good friend Dr. Zaius would say "No time for blogging today" ... I'm very busy with all the last minute details at work, but I could not let this pass without comment. So I'm going to borrow the wonderful post written by egalia at Tennessee Guerilla Women, and make a few comments at the end.
Olbermann's Meltdown: KO Compares Hillary's Campaign to KKK's David Duke

With lots and lots of exclamation marks, the increasingly eye-bulging hyperbolic Keith Olbermann told the world last night that Hillary Clinton's campaign is comparable to the former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke. I am not kidding.

Attacking Bush has gotten boring, so Keith has moved on to Democrats, and since he works for the Misogyny Channel, naturally he's moved on to attacking Hillary for what he terms the "clearly racist" remarks of that other uppity woman, Geraldine Ferraro.

Have you noticed how very few of the voices in the national discourse belong to women? ... In my view, Ferraro's comments refer to the free pass presidential candidate Barack Obama has received from national leaders and from a media plagued with what appears to be white liberal guilt, or fear that any criticism of Sen. Obama will be viewed as racist. But some take her words to mean that all of Senator Obama's achievements are due to some affirmative action program -- a decidedly right-wing frame. And so they cry racism. All of this does seem to justify the fears of the Obama-worshipping media.

Good people can disagree on the intent or meaning of her remarks, but there was a time when progressives were known for nuance, for operating on the premise that there are many shades of gray in between GOOD and EVIL. There was a time when it seemed to be a given that everyone has a unique standpoint and thus everything cannot be seen clearly from any one point of view. Those days appear to be long gone, and Keith Olbermann appears to represent the neo progressive with the view that Hillary and all her supporters are every bit as EVIL as the vilest Republican. And it's Keith's view, or no view. [please read the rest here]

These guys are just so full of themselves that they can't see how ridiculous this all sounds. And where are the women's voices? Rachel Maddow simply CAN'T be the ONLY woman capable of being on a talk show?? I could name a dozen without batting an eye!

These so-called liberal pundits need to be careful. They are walking a fine line with a group who REGISTERS in greater numbers than they do, and who VOTE in greater numbers than they do. They NEED women's votes to win in November. They simply can't do it without us.

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