
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

General Discontent

Wyoming is moving its GOP primary to January 5. Florida moved their Democratic primary to January 29. For Iowa and New Hampshire to retain their traditional "first in the nation" status, will they need to move their respective caucus and primary voting to December 2007!

Since everyone is SO unhappy -- and clearly ready for a new administration -- why not just end our collective misery and move the general election to THIS November?

Why should we care about a little thing like the Constitution, or Bill of Rights -- the current administration clearly doesn't.

Presidential campaigning has been underway for months now. We've already seen as many televised presidential debates as are generally held during a more "traditional" election cycle. You remember the tradition, don't you ... the one where presidential candidates don't even START campaigning until Labor Day!

August is supposed to be a quite time, Congress is in recess, the president is on vacation (again) and families are enjoying that last bit of vacation time before packing the kids off to school. But noooooooooooooooo ... not this August.

Rove and Gonzo jumped ship, and Larry Craig's political career seems to be in the toilet.

And you know it's bad when Republicans are turning on (and not in the fun way) Republicans. Can Armageddon be far behind?

You've all seen the bumper stickers ... let's end this madness now!

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