
Friday, August 3, 2007

Finally, sunflowers!

The giant sunflowers have finally stopped trying to be skyscrapers and have instead set some beautiful blooms. Here they are, trying to get some water:

Look at that one on the right, at least a foot taller than all the other guys. Over-achiever.

I also checked on my pears, growing bigger by the week!

The tomatoes are finally ripening, usually two or three per day, which is the perfect complement to my lunches. Here's a little gaggle of 'em:

Er--can they really be called a gaggle? I think that's for geese....

Julie the Science Chimp featured a new (and ooky) roach on her blog, so when I found this little specimen, I figured I'd share too:

Not much new about a big ol' tomato hornworm, but if it hadn't been for those white parasitic wasp eggs (larvae?) on there, I never would've seen the three worms that were munching on my 'Sweet Million' plant. Jerks! Go, you little waspies, go! I realize that parasitism from the inside out must be a terrible way to die, but the hornworm is a pest. Perhaps they're ichneumon wasps? That's the only species of parasitic wasp I know the name of.

Finally, I leave you with two indoor photos:

Why haven't you started growing cat food, like I've asked you to? Is a pond with a few fishies in it too much to ask? Sheesh.

One of the man-leg-sized zukes, who hopped off the plant, walked himself in into kitchen, and is now downstairs having a cold one. As the late great Steve Irwin would say: "Crikey! Look at the size of 'im! Isn't 'e a beauty?"

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