
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Manufactured Contempt ...

or, how I duped conservatives for fame and fortune!

Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham have made demonizing liberals a cottage industry. Their rants are so transparent it's surprising the neocons still hang on their every word. Oh, wait ... we are talking about neocons ... ha!

Limbaugh was an early critic of the first President Bush, until Poppy invited him to sleep over in the Lincoln Bedroom. From that moment on they were BFF's!

Coulter and Ingraham woke up one morning to the realization they had no talent other than deceiving people. They quickly found their base in the 23 percent of the population that stuck with GWB to the bitter end. And now the neocon-wanna-be Tammy Bruce is trying to break into the big league.

Bruce, during a guest host stint on The Laura Ingraham Show, recently referred to the Obama's as "trash." Her exact quote: "We've got trash in the White House." She's certainly getting a lot of mileage out of it!

BRUCE: But here's Michelle Obama explaining to some kids what it was like for her growing up because she sounded like a white person, whatever that means.

OBAMA [audio clip]: I did do my best, getting good grades was always important to me, and it wasn't because my parents were -

BRUCE: It's all about her.

OBAMA [audio clip]: -- hounding me or that they had the expectation, it was just something that I wanted for myself. I wanted an A. And I didn't care whether it was cool, ‘cause I remember there were kids around my neighborhood who would say, "Ooh, you talk funny, you talk like a white girl." I heard that growing up my whole life, and I was like I don't even know what that means, but you know what? I'm still getting my A.

BRUCE: What? What? What -- what is that? And then she devolves into that weird fake accent, like Hillary did when talking to black people. What? What is that? That's, that -- you know what that is.

DAVID AFTER DENTIST [audio clip]: Is this going to be forever?

BRUCE: Yeah, that - remember nitrous oxide kid, on You Tube. No it's not going to be forever, nitrous oxide kid. It's not. Can you -- can you believe that?

OBAMA [audio clip]: So do I need to introduce myself?

BRUCE: What a shame. That must've just ruined her damn day. "I wanted the A for myself, and I wanted to do it, and ooh, they said you sounded like a white person, I don't know what that means, but uhh." Huh?

Man, oh, man. That's who he's married to, what does that tell you? This is what we've got -- you know what we've got? We've got trash in the White House. Trash is a, is a thing that is color blind, it can cross all eco -- ecosocionomic kind of categories, you can work on Wall Street or work at the Wal-Mart. Trash are people who use other people to get things, who patronize others, who consider you bitter and clingy.
Hummmm ... let's dissect the section I emphasised above.

"Trash are people who use other people to get things" -- like the way you and your ilk use demonizing liberals to earn a living? Or, "[Trash are people] who patronize others" ... patronize: to behave in an offensively condescending manner toward someone -- kind of like what you are doing to Michelle Obama?

There was a time when Tammy and I were friends. We've actually had dinner together. But I doubt that Tammy would have dinner with me today!

When I knew Tammy she was a chapter leader and eventual national board member in NOW. And then came the OJ trial. Who knows why this sent Tammy over the edge, but it was definitely a turning point for her. She began making statements that were rife with racism -- which could be why she is on the attack now against the Obama's.

She parted ways with NOW, and began a steep dive into the dark side.

I was critical of the way NOW leaders dealt with the Nicole Brown tragedy, and said so to them directly. But what I don't understand is if you think a person (or in this case an organization) is not acting in the best interest of women, or in a "feminist" manner, why would you think an appropriate response be to throw your support behind groups (or people) that demonize women?

Folks like Tammy Bruce, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh have an agenda -- demonizing for dollars.

I think if they thought they could make big bucks trashing conservatives they'd do it in a heartbeat. The challenge to this is that getting liberals to do anything as a group is like herding cats! We don't all buy the same book or listen to the same radio program. It's hard to make money off us.

Rachel Maddow seems to be holding the attention of liberals these days. Keith Olbermann had us for awhile -- until his sexist side kicked in and he lost his feminist audience. Tammy does have one thing in common with Maddow -- they're both lesbians.

So Tammy, come back from the dark side! There's still time for you to redeem yourself and make your mentor proud. Do it for Toni.

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