
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Scandal fatigue in DC, wake me in 2009

The Union Leader, in New Hampshire, is probably one of the most conservative newspapers in the country. So, if they think the recently reported Republican phone jamming scheme is disturbing ... it must be, well DISTURBING! says: "A new report suggests that the national Republican establishment--including the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and even the Bush White House--may have had a role in the criminal Election Day phone jamming scheme that disenfranchised countless New Hampshire voters in 2002.

The Union Leader today reported that "court records show Ken Mehlman's office received more than 75 telephone calls from now-convicted phone-jam conspirator James Tobin from Sept. 30 to Nov. 22 of that year." At the time, Mehlman--the current RNC Chair--was White House political director. [Union Leader, 3/23/06] This raises the disturbing question of whether Tobin, who worked for the RNC and the NRSC at the time and has since been convicted on two criminal charges for his role in the scheme, discussed the plan with one of the President's most important political strategists." (full story)

The Iraq war, a White House and Republican-controlled Congress steeped in scandal, Bush administration ties to the leak of a CIA agent's name, their tie to the Abramoff scandal, Enron, and massive voter disenfranchisement. Kind of makes one nostalgic for the 'good old days' where the biggest 'crime' in Washington was telling a lie about infidelity.

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