
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy Anniversary

January 22: celebrating Roe v Wade,
the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the USA

Legalization of abortion has dramatically improved women's health. Abortion moved from the back alleys to safe professional clinics. As more doctors began to openly provide it, share their expertise, and work to develop better procedures, abortion became even safer.

In the early 1900's, an estimated 800,000 illegal abortions occurred annually, resulting in 8,000-17,000 women's deaths each year. Today, abortion is the most commonly requested outpatient surgical procedure and it is 8 to 10 times safer than giving birth... 43% of American will have at least one abortion by age 45.

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it is imperative that pro-choice Americans send the message to Congress and the White House that we will not go back to the days of illegal abortion. We will never again allow women's lives to be sacrificed in the name of politics. We strive to ensure that all women are granted equal access to safe abortion care, regardless of their socioeconomic, cultural or religious backgrounds.

For websites with detailed information about the U.S. Supreme Court and efforts to preserve Roe v Wade click here.

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