
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bare Claws

How sweet that the family sitting behind us at the theater decided to treat mom to a movie.
However, perhaps X-Men Origins: Wolverine wasn't the smartest choice with a 4 and 6 year old in tow. As the movie critic for The Little Paper of San Saba, I am concerned for my readership (however small) and try to point out ratings and if there is excess violence, language, or sex. The rating system isn't perfect, but it does provide a guideline. PG-13 for this X-Men flick was a suitable code- teensy language and plenty of violence - and thus not appropriate for two young boys.
There is so much information published these days that I almost believe that folks are immune. Do people read reviews and ignore ratings? Rather like zooming through the yellow light (well, it isn't red yet), PG-13 is a stopgap on the way to R and what's a little blood and gore for youngsters? Having a high pitched voice ask questions throughout the film ( and not using a "we're in the movies, you should whisper" voice) should have sent a signal to the parents that they were in the wrong show.
I do believe in parental control of content. Parents should be aware of movie content for kids and it should be age appropriate. Parents should be aware of books and reading content, and available to answer questions.
And like Wolverine, I wanted to bare my claws in anger at folks with cell phone text screens, and at people who act like they are home watching a video - stop talking. Shut up! That's probably a rant for another day.
I shall close with a portion of my review - Wolverine is a slashing good time. It's a summer no-brainer, and Hugh Jackman flexes the pecs with resounding success. Enjoy this in a cheap matinee with a huge tub of popcorn. However, don't bring your four year-old.

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