
Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Three Bailout: Let Exxon Mobil, Shell and BP Do It

The big three auto makers are in trouble, and they want the government to bail them out. There are millions of jobs on the line, and the trickle down from a total collaps could be devastating to an already shaky economy.

Personally, I vote for a bailout -- but not by the government.

GM, Ford and Chrysler ... meet Exxon Mobil, Shell and BP!

Exxon Mobil earned a net profit of $14.3 billion in the third quarter alone, so why shouldn't they bail out the auto industry? One would think those gas guzzling cars would be critical to keeping profits high. Exxon Mobil should consider it an investment!

So should Shell and BP. Shell earned a cool $10.9 billion in the third quarter, while BP pocketed a record $10 billion.

Come on guys, so you give back a little in the third quarter ... there is still one more quarter to go -- and then you get to start gouging us again NEXT year!! This is a no-brainer!


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