
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why, why, why, Delia?

At least once every day, I find myself asking questions—to myself, or to anyone who’ll listen—in my unquenchable thirst for learning. And I don’t even mean big, weighty questions (at least not most of the time); I’m talking silly questions about little things. This morning, as I asked myself yet another little question, I thought I’d ask everyone to send me some of your questions, and maybe even some of your answers. Let’s ask some questions of the universe and see what replies we get!

1. Why does Scotch tape tear so easily down its length, but to cut a piece requires a sharp edge (or your teeth)?

2. Why do cowbirds lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, totally ignoring their responsibility for the next generation?

3. Why do dishonest, corrupt, or otherwise bad people get so much money and power, while kind, intelligent, and good people usually toil in obscurity, never getting the opportunity to share their goodness and intelligence with the wider world? (although blogging has helped a lot of these people reach a wider audience)

Your turn. Send me some questions and/or answers, and let’s see what new things we can learn.

Oh--P.S.--why do so many people see my name and pronounce it "Delilah"? There is only 1 L in there. I know it's not a common name, but still....

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