
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Frank Ocean comes out in a Letter

The nets are a buzz about musician Frank Ocean coming out. Frank is known as a ghost writer for Beyonce, Justin Bieber and John Legend; and he has his own music as well.

In his latest album, Channel Orange, Frank seems to be 'outing' himself in the lyrics.

The Boombox reports:

"Frank has also opened up about his sexuality on the album, we think it's brave and admire him for being so honest and sharing such a personal aspect of his life through his music," Max said. "On the songs 'Bad Religion' 'Pink Matter and 'Forrest Gump' you can hear him sing about being in love and their are quite obvious words used like 'him' and not 'her.'

"In the world we live in now we can't see this being an issue or why it should be?" she added. "But we do commend him for not continuing a facade and conforming to what a Hip Hop so called rule book expects, we say live your life and be yourself."

Later tonight,  Frank released a letter that (kinda) confirms his coming out

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