
Monday, May 25, 2009

One Reason Sen. John Kyl is ...

an asshole. Kyl announced he will attempt to filibuster any Supreme Court nominee who has the audacity to try and understand how decisions my impact some one's life.
The Senate's No. 2 Republican on Sunday refused to rule out a filibuster if President Barack Obama seeks a Supreme Court justice who decides cases based on "emotions or feelings or preconceived ideas."

Sen. Jon Kyl made clear he would use the procedural delay if Obama follows through on his pledge to nominate someone who takes into account human suffering and employs empathy from the bench. The Arizona Republican acknowledged that his party likely does not have enough votes to sustain a filibuster, but he said nonetheless he would try to delay or derail the nomination if Obama ventures outside what Kyl called the mainstream.

"We will distinguish between a liberal judge on one side and one who doesn't decide cases on the merits but, rather, on the basis of his or her preconceived ideas," Kyl said.
The Democrats handed these jerks Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, and they dare to say they will filibuster someone who holds basically the same judicial philosophy as Justice Souter?

What assholes.

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