
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Why are Some Gays Hatin' on Anderson and Frank for Coming Out?

It is very interesting to hear a lot of negativity about Anderson Cooper and Frank Ocean coming out. For some reason, some gays feel that their coming out is divisive, too late or too much. But seriously, our views don't matter because it's none of our business.

Let me break this down for the haters:
  • This is THEIR coming out experience, not yours and don't try to make it so. This is not about you, so stop trying to put your views in their lives.
  • They don't own us anything, this is their lives.
  • Everyone's coming out experience is different. Why they came out now vs. then is again, their business. You can't be upset about someone's reasons for coming out. You should be happy about their decision to be open and honest.
  • This is their lives and they should live it the way they supposed to. You should do the same.
  • Why are they creating this hostile environment for newly out people. When folks come out, the last thing they need is judgement from the fam.
Let's try to be happy for these individuals and stop hatin'. It doesn't get anyone anywhere and it's a waste of time.

So let's just get along and move on.

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