
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blog Surfing

No time for blogging today, but I did want to leave you with a few items for your review.

I Am Hillary Clinton
by The Red Queen

"CBS Poll: Gender Matters More than Race"
by Davidson at Corrente

Obama to Philly: "Honey, I've changed."
by Lambert at Corrent

And clips from two articles in the Detroit News. First this about a revote:

"Clinton folks will do anything to open Michigan back up," said [State Sen. Tupac] Hunter, who is co-chairman of the Obama campaign in Michigan.

"She is in a hunt for delegates. Why this sudden pull out all the stops to give Hillary Clinton every opportunity to try to catch up? Guess what? It's not going to happen. ...
Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said, "By refusing to embrace a plan that has broad support, the Obama campaign is blocking the people of Michigan from being able to vote and make their voices heard."
It appears Obama supporters LIKE disenfranchising people.

And Clinton calls out Obama on Michigan Primary

"I believe the families of Michigan are just as important as the families of any of any other state," Clinton said in a hastily arranged campaign appearance downtown.

Putting aside her standard campaign speech, Clinton made a stark appeal to Obama, saying his failure to allow new votes in Michigan and Florida -- both states have been stripped of their national convention delegates because they held January primaries -- will help Republicans carry those states in November and violates "a bedrock American principle" that every vote should count.

"Senator Obama speaks passionately on the campaign trail about empowering the American people," she said. "I'm here today to encourage him to match those words with actions."

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