Hillary Clinton spent the night in the White House on the day her husband had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky, and may have actually been in the White House when it happened, according to records of her schedule released today by the National Archives.Lambert at Corrent is urging everyone to send BRIAN ROSS at ABC SLEAZY NEWS your thoughts or call -- 212-456-7612 -- and tell him politely what you think of his report!
Why should anyone expect anything OTHER than this from a news network that would demote a female anchor when she became pregnant?
Keep in mind we are selecting a president, so shouldn't the focus in reviewing Sen. Clinton's papers be on what role she played as a representative of the United States government when traveling abroad? What does the infidelity of her husband have to do with her ability to be president?
But wait ... there's more!
Tennessee Guerilla Women provides this evidence of sexism as well:
ASSOCIATED SLEAZY PRESS: Schedules show Hillary Clinton was home during husband’s encounters with Lewinsky -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton was home in the White House on a half dozen days when her husband had sexual encounters there with intern Monica Lewinsky.TGW suggested reading list:
SLEAZY TIME: Clinton First Lady Papers Released (WASHINGTON) — Hillary Rodham Clinton kept her schedule packed when allegations exploded that her husband had an affair with a White House intern.
WALL STREET SLEAZY JOURNAL: Clinton’s Calendar and Vince Foster -- Among the many things Hillary Clinton’s schedule sheds light on are her activities before, during and after major events in her husband’s presidential tenure — such as the death of Vince Foster. . In July 1993, he was found dead in a park in Virginia with a gunshot wound. After a three-year investigation by Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, Foster’s death was ruled a suicide, but many conspiracy theories persist suggesting he was murdered.
Susie Madrak at Suburban Guerrilla: And if we let them get away with this, they will do even worse to whoever turns out to be our nominee.
Donklephant: ABC News’ Gutter Journalism
The Brad Blog: 'Investigative' Reporter Brian Ross Defines Shameful New Low...On the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq War, No Less...
Glenn Greenwald at Salon: The worst, sleaziest press corps possible
Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast: Would someone please get the mainstream media laid already?
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