
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Media Bias Against Clintons Borders on Mental Illness

This post, from Tennessee Guerilla Women, sums up exactly my thoughts on the media.

The amount of Clinton bashing in the S.C. primary coverage on MSNBC and CNN last night was astounding. What an amazing phenomenon. I don't recall ever seeing so much overt and shameless media bias in any previous election. I may as well be watching Fox News.

The vicious media bias against all things Clinton -- or against Hillary's bid for the presidency -- is not good for Obama or the Democratic Party. Eventually, the pack will turn on Obama; it's just a matter of time until they discover that he's human too. It may be naïve to think that anyone other than the media picks our candidates.

Craig Crawford is one of the few journalists who is not running with the pack:

"You know, I have sat down here in Florida for the last month. And I have watched the coverage, and I really think the evidence-free bias against the Clintons in the media borders on mental illness. I mean, I think when Dr. Phil gets done with Britney [Spears], he ought to go to Washington and stage an intervention at the National Press Club.

I mean, we've gotten into a situation where if you try to be fair to the Clintons, if you try to be objective, if you try to say, "Well, where's the evidence of racism in the Clinton campaign?" you're accused of being a naïve shill for the Clintons. I mean, I think if somebody came out today and said that Bill Clinton -- if the town drunk in Columbia [South Carolina] came out and said, "Bill Clinton last night was poisoning the drinking water in Obama precincts," the media would say, "Ah, there goes Clinton again. You can't trust him." I really think it's a problem. You know what? You guys make him stronger with this bashing. This actually is what makes the Clintons stronger." -- read more

Vote for the worst political pundit over at TalkLeft.

There is no question that racism in an issue in this country. One only need to remember the recent racists incidents in communities and on college campuses involving a hangman's noose to know there is still a problem.

But there is ALSO a problem of sexism in this country, and that does not seem to be getting the same amount of discussion.

Sen. Clinton's campaign is not talking about sexism, and it really can't. If they did the current media bias against her would only intensify.

Rachel Maddow is the only political pundit who has consistently demonstrated any amount of integrity during this primary season. How sad that she is the only one.

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