
Thursday, August 10, 2006

The agony of defeat

I'm beaten. I give in. I quit.

Why so disappointed? Why else? I got my lens, the 4mm fl one. It's precisely the size of a LeSeur baby pea. The young English baby teeny tiny pea.

I hardly know where to go now or what to think. Kat tells me that when she returns from New Orleans, she'll look at the whole thing and "crunch some numbers" for me (she's a math genius). I don't know if that means she'll crunch numbers to just buy me a damned scope and be done with it, or crunch me some numbers to figure out just what the heck kind of lens I should buy.

For a moment, I thought I had some success. I'd taken the little eyepiece lens off my Optic Wonder and put that with my 200mm fl 50mm diameter objective lens, and it was a nice image at a length of about 5 inches. I was excited for a few minutes until I noticed that my binoculars gave a bigger image. Sheesh.

I know you're getting sick of reading about the continual defeats I suffer at the hands of the science of optics. But I must vent.

What will I do? I thought--I'll look for the the specs on those super expensive scopes and just get lenses like those! But alas, they don't tell you things like focal length of the lenses etc. I suppose one might be able to figure it out, but I don't know how. Perhaps these are the numbers Kat will crunch for me.

I have a tiny little spark of faith left, but it's dim and barely lit. I'm pretty disappointed right now.

P.S.--I have some good draft posts of the NYC trip along with photos, but I can't upload images right now. I'll do it at school tomorrow, if I can get a moment to look up.

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