
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sheila's Favorite Fictional Character --- Mia Devlin

The summer if finally winding down and most of the kids in the area have already started school.  Work is going to get a little less chaotic and my two month guest post extravaganza is coming to a an end.  Sheila from Book Journey will be the last of my Favorite Fictional guest posters and I'm not sure I could have ended with a better choice.  Sheila was really the first blogger, who I didn't already know preblogging days, that I got to know.  I met her on Book Blogs and I quickly, probably without her even knowing it, started to learn from her.  I found her to be an amazing, welcoming individual who didn't hesitate to show the new kid on the block a little kindness.  I will always appreciate and be thankful to her for that.  After two years, I still look up to her and all that she has accomplished.  I'm sure most of you know her, but if you don't, please go on over and say hi.  I'm sure she will quickly make you feel at home and will personally place the coffee cup into your hand.

A while back Ryan asked me if I would like to do a guest post on my favorite fictional character.  I quickly agreed and told him he would never guess who this character is.   Anyone who reads me over at Book Journey probably would make a guess of Harry Potter, or a character from the Potter series.  I would call that a valiant guess - but not the character I had in mind. 

My favorite fictional character was first introduced to me 10 years ago this month.  The reason I know exactly when it was is because the book was Dance Upon The Air by Nora Roberts.  This book was our first ever book club read and our book club was started in August 2001.

The character is Mia Devlin and we are introduced to Mia...
Mia Devlin ran Cafe Book the way she ran her life.  She had a mass of hair the color of autumn leaves.  Reds and golds spilled over the shoulders of a long blue dress that left her arms bare to the silver bracelets that winked bright on each wrist.  Her eyes were as gray as smoke and dominated a flawless face.  Slashing cheek bones, a full wide mouth that was painted siren red.  Skin like alabaster... she was tall, willow slim and perfect.
Now before you think "how shallow is Sheila?", there was much more to Mia.  Mia held my dream job as well.  She owned Cafe Book, and if is described as a two-story book store... books upon books on the main floor, a winding staircase to the top floor which holds a sandwich/ coffee shop.  I can almost smell the coffee as my mind opens the door to Cafe Book....
Mia is also a modern-day witch.  (Ok, ok, insert laugh here) but she uses her powers only for good.  All of this takes place on a little touristy island called Three Sisters Island. 

This book, and the two that followed in this trilogy, are still among my favorites and I recommend them to anyone who is looking for great reads.  This is not Nora's normal style of writing.... the magical aspect of these books is wonderful.

So in recap....

Mia has my dream job as a book store owner on a secluded island.

She is beautiful and wears long flowing dresses all the time.

She is smart and kind.  Always taking care of those she cares about.

She has powers!

Our book club is planning a comes as your favorite character party this fall.  I am going as Mia... I already have the perfect dress picked out.

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