
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oprah steps up to the plate

It's always refreshing when wealthy people do the right thing. Progressive blogs often fall into the trap of bashing anyone with money -- or at least most people with money. So it's nice to be able to say something really good about someone who is really wealthy.

Everyone knows by now that Oprah Winfrey is supporting Obama -- she may have been responsible for helping turn the primaries his direction. Well guess what? Should Obama win on Tuesday, Oprah stands to lose a bunch of money.

You see, under the Obama tax plan Ms. Winfrey would pay and estimated $16 million MORE in taxes, while under the McCain plan she would receive an estimated $9 million tax break! So even though it's not in HER financial best interest to support Obama she is doing just that.

Like I said, it's nice when wealthy people do the right thing.


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