
Friday, August 15, 2008

Doin's around the Marsh House

Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been busy taking on some new responsibilities at work: technical editing, which is more along the lines of my education and training. Fun stuff! Did you know that a ground green coffee bean sample kept in ambient air loses .8% of its moisture content in just five minutes? Now we both do.

My ten-foot sunflower finally bloomed:
The flower is about a foot across, counting the petals and stuff. Nice!

The other day, I made some veggie eggs and discovered a rather odd thing:I've never seen a double-yoke egg! So that was cool.

I then proceeded to break a few more eggs for the dish:Amazing! Two double-yokes! What are the odds of that happening?

Um...okay, this is starting to get a little creepy. Just where did these eggs come from, some radioactive site?
"Fresh as a country breeze," indeed. They've got some weirdo chickens at this farm.

The garden is doing well, with some plants done and some just now coming into their own. Some herbs:

(click for huge)

From left to right, that's a little rosemary plant, lavender (which made it through last winter), basil, peppermint (a thriving survivor--invasive little bugger!), purple coneflower (another survivor from last year), and parsley. I also have a huge purple sage (to the right of the peppermint thicket) that came back after last winter's snow melted, but I didn't get a picture of it.

Here are some little peppers:
The peppers don't seem to want to grow much bigger than about 2 to 2-1/2 inches, which I guess is fine. The plants are rather small (maybe ten inches tall), so I figure they're giving it all they've got, and I'm proud of them.

The Indian rainbow corn is coming along:

The yellow squash are growing rather slowly this year; I think I might need to water more often:

And my Blue Lake green beans are slowly coming into flower. No little cute beanpods just yet, but I'm hoping I'll get at least a few beans before the cold weather comes.

Serrano peppers for salsa, anyone?

The tomatoes are still green, for the most part; I didn't take any pictures. I've gotten a few cherry toms (and eaten them before I even got back in the house), and two full sizers from the 'Early Girl' plant, but I've still got a lot of green tomatoes. They'll probably all ripen at once and I'll have like thirty tomatoes. Of course, I love tomatoes, so there are worse things that could happen.

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