
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on

The mostly male pundits on talking-head TV just don't get it. It appears Sen. Clinton is going to win Pennsylvania by 10 points.

Before the polls closed they all said if she didn't win she should quit. Then, as the results starting coming in, they said if she didn't win by more than 7 points she should quit. Then, when she was ahead by 8 points they said if she didn't win by double digits she should quit.

When are they going to 'get it' ... that the PEOPLE don't want Sen. Clinton to quit.

Clearly Democrats are not ready for this contest to end.

Sen. Obama outspent Sen. Clinton at least 3 to 1, running literally THOUSANDS of television ads. Hey, I worked in advertising for a decade. I was sure his ad budget alone would make this a very close contest, if not tip the scale in his direction. I was wrong.

Sen. Clinton is connecting with working Americans. Blue collar voters who are concerned about the economy are voting for Clinton. They see her as someone who can fix the problems created by Bush & Co. Clearly they don't have that same opinion of Obama. This is the audience Democrats MUST have to win in November.

I certainly hope superdelegates are paying attention.

Neither candidate can secure enough pledged delegates to win the election, so it's going to be up to superdelegates. I hope they recognize that Clinton has won all the key states Democrats must win to wrap up the November election. I hope they recognize that core Democrats have consistently supported Clinton from the start. I hope they recognize that it's going to take a fighter to win against John McCain, and Obama has consistently demonstrated that when the going gets tough he folds.

As I write this the talking heads are still talking. They are desperately trying to give Sen. Obama hints about what he needs to do to win.

In the meantime, Sen. Clinton is rolling up her sleeves and getting ready for Indiana and North Carolina. I think she honestly believes she can make the lives of everyday Americans better. If you think so, too, and you haven't yet contributed to her campaign, it's time to pull out your wallet and send her a few bucks.

I'm not asking you to do anything I haven't already done myself. My $100 is part of the more than $2.5 million she has raised since the networks called PA for Clinton.

You know you want to .... DONATE NOW!

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