
Friday, December 14, 2007

It's all about the non-panties

Hey, everyone knows that Blue Gal is the "panties" blogger. So when I saw this I immediately thought of her. In honor of the Queen of Panties -- the woman we all think of when we hear the word "panties" -- this post is for you, Blue Gal!

And hey, who knows ... maybe this post could make me the "anti-panties" blogger! ha

Found this on AOL, under some heading called "fashion" -- okay! Maybe disposable underwear IS fashion. Deanna Glick thinks it's a new fashion low.

I was browsing amongst the beautiful people in Georgetown over the weekend with a friend. Amid clothing items for $500 in Cusp and just as I was thinking the fashion world and capitalism couldn't get any crazier I came across Nundies. Disposable underwear. Not kidding. Think super, ultra, extra thin maxi pad that you stick to your pants instead of your washable underwear.

Here's the marketing shtick: Nundies are a one-time use, pantyless panty that adhere to the inside inseam of a woman's pants. Nundies are a great fashion solution product for women who want to go bare-down-there without the discomfort of itchy clothing. Nundies also save women from the embarrassment of tacky panty lines and from having to wear uncomfortable thongs.

They retail five (um, well, I can't say pairs, but anyway) for $15. That's enough to buy a nice whole organic chicken. OK, maybe that's off track. How about two jugs of Seventh Generation laundry detergent to wash your underwear in? Or a few pairs of underwear from Target that you can wash hundreds of times in that detergent? Or you can just leave the darn $15 in your pocket for crying out loud.

So there you have it! The non-panties "panties" -- the Nundies!

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