
Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tax freeze, a church-state issue?

Have you ever uttered the phrase 'sometimes you've just gotta laugh, 'cause it beats crying?' Well, the majority of Americans who support stem cell research certainly wanted to cry when the president once again vetoed bipartisan stem cell legislatoin that would have eased limitations on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research.

If you were as crazed about this as I was it's important that you contact your members of Congress and urge them to schedule a vote to override the president's veto. And while you have them on the phone you might want to remind them that our Constitution does include a separation of church and state, and that the President doesn't have a right to impose his religious views on everyone.

Now, about the 'laugh' part I mentioned above. Comedian Lewis Black, appearing on CNN's Larry King Live, had this to say about frozen embryos:

"It's unbelievable, that frozen embryo thing. Now, how can you say that’s religious? You can't! It's not a religious issue. In what book of the Bible was anything frozen? ... Is there any mention in the Bible of refrigeration? No! So you can't possibly at any time say, 'Oh, y'know, God says...' No, God doesn't say. God, in the Old Testament ... he didn't even see freezers coming!

And you know what I did? Since the president thinks they're alive, I've adopted three frozen embryos and I put them in my freezer. And every time when I open it up I go, "You kids stop it!" Because I want to be a good father, but I'm actually going to take them as a tax write-off. And if it works -- if I can get it by the Feds the first time -- I'm going to adopt hundreds of them. You remember the old Amana freezer where you could buy a cow and dump it in? Well, I'm going to have a billion of 'em in there!"

Black gives a whole new meaning to "tax freeze!"

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