
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Blue Moon in Maryland

Looks like we now have a Democratic Governor, Martin O'Malley over Bob Ehrlich ... and continue to have a Democratic Senator as Ben Cardin is the projected winner over Michael Steele.

This is great news for women in Maryland. Ehrlich is about as anti-woman as they get. The Women's Leadership Network of the MD Dems released released the following "Top Ten" list of reasons why Ehrlich needed to go:


10. He vetoed the Pay Equity Study Commission Bill.

9. He admitted that he might not have chosen Kristen Cox as his running mate if she were not blind.

8. He vetoed the Women's Commission Bill and single-handedly wiped out any legislative component within the state Women's Commission, relegating its members to ceremonial tasks.

7. He shows weak support for women who are victims of violent acts and has cut funding for victims, specifically domestic violence victims.

6. He advanced an anti-choice agenda in Annapolis through the Maryland Republican Party and ultra-right wing party operatives and did not support emergency contraception legislation.

5. He displayed an arrogant indifference to environmental concerns, attempting to sell off open spaces.

4. He vetoed the Fair Share Health Care Bill, despite that more Maryland women are uninsured now than ever before.

3. He has not demonstrated a commitment to education.

2. He vetoed the Living Wage and Minimum Wage Bills, despite that more women are living in poverty now than ever before.

1. MARTIN O'MALLEY has a LONG RECORD of supporting women on EVERY issue: he has appointed many women to important decision-making positions and has been endorsed by every major Maryland’s women's organization, including NOW, NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland, and Planned Parenthood.

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